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Are Ants Stealing Your Pet’s Dinner?

Is every ant you see in your home a sign of an infestation?

Texas is home to a variety of pesky ant species that thrive in our year-round warm climate. Ask the professionals how to protect your home from ongoing invasions and chances are they’ll tell you to watch where your crumbs fall. While a lot of other variables – moisture levels, landscaping, and location – come into play when ants look for new spots to settle, food waste is a major source of infestations. Keeping food off the ground is generally great advice, but what if you share your home with a hungry pet? When a food bowl is a permanent fixture on your kitchen floor, following the tips below can make all the difference.

Get to Know Your Enemy

They may look similar, but different ant species behave in very different ways. For example, carpenter ants are nocturnal, while look-alike acrobat ants are active during the day. The more you know about the type of ants you have, the better you can control them. For detailed information on identifying the most common species in Texas, check out this guide from Texas A&M University.

Seal Extra Food Up Tight

Keeping ants out of your pet’s meals starts with good pantry pest control. Unfortunately, pet food is sold in low-quality bags. They’re thin, easily torn, and hard to close – all problems that make them prime targets for new ant infestations. For better storage, put your pet’s food in an airtight container as soon as you get home from the store. If you don’t have an airtight container on hand, buy a plastic bag and place it in an empty coffee can for double storage protection.

Move the Bowl to Higher Ground

If your pet has strict feeding times, moving the bowl in between each meal is a great way to stop ants from stealing the leftovers.

Get a Pest-Proof Bowl

The previous tip only works when you’re home to clean up after each meal. If your pet is left alone while you’re at work or running errands, you’ll need to get a little more creative with your feeding supplies to keep the ants at bay around the clock.

Sweep the Floor Daily

While you don’t need to go overboard with cleaning, taking a few minutes every evening to sweep up food waste around your pet’s feeding area can go a long way toward preventing nocturnal ants from moving in while you sleep.

Need professional help? Give us a call today for more information about effective pest control in the Bryan-College Station area.

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