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Beyond Bee Stings: Can Household Pests Trigger Asthma and Allergies?

certain insects can affect allergies and asthmaBugs can cause all sorts of problems for allergy and asthma patients. The symptoms they trigger range from sneezing and itchy eyes to severe, life-threatening asthma attacks or anaphylaxis. If you’re allergic to bees, wasps, ants or other pests, it’s fairly easy to avoid triggers. At an early age, you probably learned to run when you saw them. Unfortunately, some insects affect allergy or asthma patients in a less obvious way. You may not even know they pose a threat. Of all the pesky allergens you avoid to keep your airway open, roaches probably aren’t even on the list.

Roach Parts and Other Gross Triggers

According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, 78% to 98% of homes in America have cockroaches. If you see one, there are probably many others secretly hiding in your walls. While stings are the major source of trouble in most insect allergies, roaches don’t have to bite you to make you sick. They don’t even have to be in the room with you. In fact, they don’t even have to be alive. Both live and dead roaches are a source of allergens in the home environment. Roach saliva, urine, feces and decomposing body parts contribute allergens when they become part of your household dust, and you regularly touch and inhale this debris. If your immune system decides to declare war on the foreign roach remains, you’ll experience miserable and sometimes dangerous symptoms. If you stop and think about inhaling roach excretions, you’ll probably also experience nausea.

Get Medical Care and Roach Control

If you spot a few roaches in your home, and you have allergies or asthma, it’s essential to take action to preserve your health. Contact an experienced, qualified pest control company immediately, and explain the situation. After an inspection, the technician can recommend the best course of action for controlling the infestation and preventing an unwanted return. In the meantime, invest in a quality air cleaner, and ventilate your home to reduce the number of allergens you encounter. Be sure to see your doctor about your allergy and asthma symptoms; medications are available to relieve or reduce them. If you experience sudden or unusual shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness or pressure, abdominal pain, vomiting or swelling, seek medical attention immediately.

Trust ABC’s Pest Control to Make Your Home a Healthier Place

At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we understand how important your living space is to your family’s health, and we can help. We’ve been ridding San Antonio homes of unwanted pests since 1949. Our expert technicians provide comprehensive, professional and environmentally responsible pest control services that remove insect-related asthma and allergy triggers from your home environment. Contact us today for a free estimate.

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