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FAQ: How Toxic Are the Pest Control Products Used by ABC Home & Commercial Services?

If you have a pest problem in your home, you may be willing to try just about anything to dispel the threat. At the same time, you’re probably cognizant of the fact that some pest control products are toxic. We’re sensitive to these issues as well. In fact, we take pains to ensure that our approach to pest mitigation doesn’t jeopardize your family’s health and well-being. These commonly asked questions explain more about our services and philosophy.

What Specific Products Do We Use?

The products we use contain the following:

Insect growth regulators
• Pyrethrins
• Pyrethroids
• Indoxycarb

Each of these materials acts on specific pests in certain ways. Although they may be harmful if ingested or under other circumstances of misuse, they lack the dangerous side effects that make certain other pest control products unacceptable for indoor use.

What Other Pest Control Methods Do We Employ?

Pest control products are only part of our pest control arsenal. As part of our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach, we employ diagnostic and preventive measures to reduce the likelihood that pests will return to an infested area. These include:

• Identifying substandard sanitation practices and recommending improvements
• Locating and sealing pest entryways
• Eliminating foliage and growth that can harbor pests
• Removing standing water or other breeding grounds for certain pests

How Else Do We Protect San Antonio Homeowners?

It should be clear that we take all reasonable measures to protect our clients—and those who can’t protect themselves—from harm. In addition to our arsenal of low-impact pest control products and non-chemical mitigation methods, we take further precautions to reduce the impact of our operations. These include isolating pest control materials in baits and applying material in crawlspaces, cracks and voids that aren’t accessible to pets and children. Additionally, we always give adequate instruction to homeowners and clearly delineate the extent of our treatment area.

San Antonio Pest Control That Offers Peace of Mind for the Whole Household

As a homeowner, you have a non-negotiable right to live without fear that your home is contaminated with toxic substances. That’s why we’re committed to using pest control products in a manner that doesn’t interfere with your lifestyle or pose an outsize danger to your family or pets. If you’d like to learn more about ABC Home & Commercial Services’ approach to pest control or schedule a free consultation, call us at (210) 599-9500 or visit us online.

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