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How to Ease the Burn of a Fire Ant’s Bite

there are many painful symptoms from fire ant bitesWhen a fire ant bites you, you’ll notice it. The venom that fire ants secrete causes pain, itchiness and small red welts. Symptoms usually go away within a couple of days, but those days can seem like an eternity. Fortunately, there are several ways to minimize the sting of fire ant bites.

Allergen Warning

Very few people are allergic to fire ant venom. Pain and slight swelling are to be expected in the case of a fire ant bite, but you should waste no time in going to the emergency room if any of the following symptoms manifest, as they may indicate a serious allergic reaction:

• Parts of your body other than where the bite occurred begin to swell, itch or break out in hives
• Stomach discomfort, vomiting or diarrhea
• Difficulty breathing
• Tongue, throat or lip swelling
• Trouble swallowing
• Dizziness or blackouts

How to Deal with Fire Ants and Their Bites

Since fire ants have strong mandibles, brushing them off can be difficult. Slapping your skin may make them more aggressive and lead to more bites. The best way to remove fire ants is to pluck them off one by one as calmly and quickly as you can. Remove your clothing as soon as possible to ensure that ants are not hiding in your shoes, pant legs or shirts.

Once the ants are gone, use the following tips to control swelling and pain:

• Keep your arms elevated
• Soak the affected area with soapy water and remove any dirt to avert infection
• Lay an ice pack or cold compress on the affected area. Because ice packs can damage skin, apply for no more than ten minutes at a time
• Take an over-the-counter antihistamine or apply hydrocortisone cream
• Leave blisters alone; if one ruptures, clean the area so it doesn’t become infected

The best way to prevent fire ant bites is to make sure they aren’t living in your yard or home in the first place. If you think you have a fire ant problem and live in the Dallas area, call the experts at ABC Home & Commercial Services or visit our website for a free quote, or to inquire about our pest control services.

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