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How to Ease the Burn of a Fire Ant’s Bite

When a fire ant bites you, you’ll notice it. The venom that fire ants secrete causes pain, itchiness and small red welts. Symptoms usually go away within a couple of days, but those days can seem like an eternity. Fortunately, there are several ways to minimize the sting of fire ant bites.

Allergen Warning

Very few people are allergic to fire ant venom. Pain and slight swelling are to be expected in the case of a fire ant bite, but you should waste no time in going to the emergency room if any of the following symptoms manifest, as they may indicate a serious allergic reaction:

• Parts of your body other than where the bite occurred begin to swell, itch or break out in hives
• Stomach discomfort, vomiting or diarrhea
• Difficulty breathing
• Tongue, throat or lip swelling
• Trouble swallowing
• Dizziness or blackouts

How to Deal with Fire Ants and Their Bites

Since fire ants … Read Full Post »

Caught Between a Web and a Hard Place

If you have long been afraid of spiders, you will likely look for signs of infestations during all seasons of the year. Arachnids, however, are savvy creatures and can often begin building nests in out-of-the-way locations. Before you’ve had time to respond, you’ll be dealing with an infestation that can be very tough to eradicate. By checking for spiders in hidden areas, you can ensure that your house remains free of pests (and keep your anxiety from exploding into full-blown arachnophobia).

Furniture Items

Though spiders most commonly spin webs in the rafters, a rarely moved piece of furniture may also make a lovely home. Couches or chairs that have remained in one place for several weeks should be closely examined. In nearly all instances, the critters will be found on the underside of the upholstery.


Sinks are perfect havens for spiders that are looking to breed. The cabinet areas underneath sinks usually feature … Read Full Post »

Why Is That Mouse in My House?

Having pests in your home is always a troublesome experience, and you probably aren’t pleased by the idea that there are mice and rats living in the house alongside your family. Understanding a bit more about what causes these infestations and how to get rid of them, however, can help you handle your own pest control problem.

What Causes Rodent Infestations?

There are actually quite a few reasons why rodents enter homes. Many of them look for warm homes to find shelter from the cold, and some simply look for places that offer food, water and other necessities. Having a dirty and unsanitary home can cause rodents as well, although even clean, clutter-free houses are susceptible to infestations.

How Can You Tell If You Have Mice or Rats in Your Home?

There are several things that you can look for if you think that you might have a rodent infestation:

• Mouse or rat droppings … Read Full Post »

Keeping Crawlies off Indoor Plants

Having houseplants is a great way to improve your home’s aesthetic appeal and air quality, but you might be afraid that your indoor plants will attract insects. Although different types of bugs love plants, following these tips will help you keep critters away from them.

Choose the Right Plants

Choosing the right plants for your home’s environment and lighting conditions is an essential first step. Before investing in house plants, research to ensure they will do well inside your house.

Use Clean Soil

Although digging up a bit of dirt from your backyard might be tempting, this should usually be avoided. Outdoor dirt can contain insects and larvae, and you don’t want to bring these pests into your home. Instead, opt for high-quality potting soil that can be purchased at your local retail store or garden center. The soil will be clean and free of bugs and might also have more nutrients for your … Read Full Post »

Why Aren’t Your Rat Traps Working?

If you have recently spotted mice or rats in your home, you might have set a couple of traps to try to capture them. Unfortunately, rat traps really aren’t the best solution to a rodent problem.

Some Traps Just Don’t Work

Many traps are not sensitive enough to pick up on the lightweight scurrying of a mouse or rat, so rodents can run right over them without getting trapped.

Some Rodents Are Very Crafty

A lot of rodents are experienced with traps and able to snatch the cheese right off of them without getting trapped. Many are frightened of these apparatuses and will avoid them completely. In most cases, mice and rats can find food in your home without having to resort to snatching it from a trap.

Dealing with a Trapped Rodent Isn’t Pleasant

If you have ever had to deal with the remains in a rat trap, you know that it really isn’t a … Read Full Post »

Ants Are Only Cute in Movies

In the movies, ants are cute creatures that everyone roots for; however, they can damage your home in real life. Because of this, contacting a professional pest control company is vital as soon as you notice signs of an infestation. Remember that ants nest in the crevices and cracks of your property and that they will also scavenge through your home, looking for food supplies.

The Danger of a Carpenter Ant Infestation

If you notice giant black ants in your home, you most likely have an infestation of carpenter ants. This particular ant species can cause extensive and costly damage to your home. Once their nests have been built into your home, you will likely experience issues with your structural wood, rigid foam insulation, sheathing, and subflooring. Unfortunately, carpenter ants are widespread in many areas, including Orlando. Remember that carpenter ants that nest outside don’t pose any risk to your home.

Other Ant … Read Full Post »

Why “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” Is a Bad Way to Protect Your Home from Termites

We’ve all heard the old phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind.” If you apply it to some things, like dieting, it works wonders: Stash those Keebler brownies and you might find it’s easier to lose weight. On the other hand, it’s a horrible method of dealing with other problems. One such problem is termites. Just because you don’t see swarms of hungry insects eating through your home’s wood doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Termites do their work behind the walls. That said, termite colonies often leave clues if you know what to look for.

Pest Control Inspection

How many times have you taken your car in for an oil change only to have the mechanic tell you that you have some serious engine trouble looming on the horizon? One of the best things you can do to guard against a termite infestation is to invest in regular pest control inspection. Professionals … Read Full Post »

My Dog Has Fleas. Now What?

Have you noticed your dog scratching and biting at itself intensely? If so, you may want to check your pet for fleas. Since fleas love warm, humid climates, they can be a year-round problem in Houston. To make the situation worse, for every flea you see on your pet, there are likely hundreds more living on your carpet and furniture.

The Many Dangers of Fleas

Fleas can pose many dangers to your pet. First, fleas survive off your dog’s blood and can consume more than 12 times their body weight. This, in turn, can cause your pet to become anemic over time. In severe cases, parasitic anemia can even be life-threatening for your dog.

If your pet is susceptible to flea bites, just one bite from a flea can cause a severe reaction known as flea bite allergy. Pets with flea bite allergies experience intense itching, hair loss, inflamed skin, hot spots, and … Read Full Post »

The Never-Ending War Against Pests

Dealing with insects, rodents and other household pests can be a major pain. More than being simply embarrassing and uncomfortable, it can cause reputation issues and property damage. Although keeping your home pest free isn’t easy, following these tips will help you keep all of these pesky creatures at bay.

Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter Free

It’s essential to keep your home as clean and free of clutter as possible if you want to eliminate pests and keep them from living in your home. Although not all homes that have pest infestations are messy, unsanitary conditions are very appealing to many common pests.

Establish a regular cleaning routine and keep clutter to a minimum. Also, make sure that you store food in tightly sealed containers or zip-top bags, and don’t leave dirty dishes or garbage lying around. Although it can be difficult to get in the habit of keeping your house tidy … Read Full Post »

Infestations 101: Managing Bed Bugs

The idea of having blood-sucking creatures in your bed certainly isn’t a pleasant one, but that’s exactly what happens when a bed bug infestation hits. Fortunately, educating yourself about these pesky insects and learning more about how to manage them can help you eliminate your bed bug problem.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny, wingless creatures with flat bodies. They range in color from white to brown, but they take on a reddish hue after feeding. These creatures prefer to live in mattresses and bedding, and they typically hide during the day and become more active at night. Bed bugs aren’t known for spreading diseases, but they give off itchy bites. Not only are these bites uncomfortable, but some people are also allergic to them.

Do You Have a Bed Bug Infestation?

There are a few things to look for to determine if you have a bed bug infestation in your home:

• … Read Full Post »