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The Stink on Stinkbugs

stinkbugs shelter in the crevices of your property pest control atlantaSeeing a stinkbug can cause undue panic and stress in any homeowner.

These pesky visitors are the ones that you would never want to see anywhere close to you. What makes them so icky and frightening? With years of evolution, these pesky insects have developed the remarkable ability to ward off intruders with the most ghastly-smelling liquid. Developed as a defense mechanism against predators, stinkbugs or shield bugs can mistake you for one and spray you with a nasty liquid from their tiny glands. Apart from the dreadful odor, there are many other reasons why a stinkbug infestation warrants immediate pest control. Not only are they highly resilient, but these insects can make themselves very comfortable in your property’s dark and deep crevices.

Are Stinkbugs Harmful?

They don’t bite you, nor do they have venom. But they can stink to the point of leaving you in extreme discomfort. The next time you face the perplexing dilemma of tackling a stinkbug, ensure you’re not within spraying distance of the insect. While a face shield may not be strictly necessary, getting the foul-smelling liquid into your eyes or nose can cause severe allergic reactions, corneal complications, and nasal problems. Stinkbugs can also raid your food supplies and bore holes into fruits and vegetables, causing them to rot. Since their accidental entry into the U.S. in 1998, they have also earned the dubious distinction of being one of the most dreaded agricultural pests in the nation.

How Do You Hold Off Unwelcome Stinkbugs?

In Orlando, stink bugs relocate indoors for shelter and food during rain and cool winter weather. Taking a few preventive measures can keep unwanted intruders at bay. Trim the shrubs and remove the weeds in your garden, as stinkbugs often hide in lush green areas. Stinkbugs are drawn to certain types of plants. If you notice that they hover only around certain parts of the garden, it’s worth getting rid of those plants for good. Ensure no entry points into your home, such as cracks, damaged walls, or open windows. Seal off hiding areas like cracks and tight spaces in your attic and porch. Since the pests are attracted to light posts, avoid unnecessary outdoor lighting that can attract insects to your property.

Sometimes, no matter what you do, a stinkbug infestation might require prompt, professional intervention. If you live in the Orlando area, contact ABC for a free quote today.

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