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Toilet Making Noise: What’s Wrong?

a toilet that is making noise

Is your toilet making weird noises by itself? Maybe you hear a loud banging sound after you flush or notice spooky “ghost flushing.” There are several reasons why your toilet is speaking for itself, and they usually indicate a problem with your plumbing.

Some toilet noises are quick fixes, while others require a deeper investigation into your home’s pipes and plumbing. The first step to solving the problem is identifying your toilet’s noise: a bang, gurgle, flush, hiss or vibration.

One of the most common types of toilet noises is a loud groan from your pipes after you flush. This sound is usually a sign of constriction in your waterline. To solve the problem, you must identify the location of the clog. Contacting a professional plumber is the best way to handle this situation because they are more educated on piping problems.

Finally, another common toilet issue that confuses homeowners is when the toilet water mysteriously turns blue. There are two reasons why this can happen, and they both have to do with copper in your water.

When your toilet is making noise, the first step is to diagnose what the noise means. The noise could be a bang, gurgle, mysterious flush, hiss or vibrating sound.

Toilet Banging Noises

Does your toilet sound like a jackhammer after you flush it? If you hear banging and knocking sounds in your toilet, it’s a sign that something is wrong with your water pressure. The pressure is too high, which causes the water flow into the sink to shut off abruptly.

Once the toilet bowl is full, the fill valve closes and makes a sound called the “water hammer.” The water hammer puts pressure on your pipes and can lead to leaks and bursts. The solution is to install a water hammer arrestor or lower the water pressure by adjusting the shut-off valve.

Toilet Gurgling Noises

If your toilet is gurgling, there could be a blockage in the sewer system. The blockage pushes water back into the toilet bowl and causes it to bubble.

To fix this, you need to identify where the blockage is in your system. The blockage could be in a sewer drain line, mainline, vent stack or somewhere inside the toilet. This process requires the help of a licensed plumber, so contact a professional.

Toilet Ghost Flushing

Is your toilet acting on its own and flushing when no one is around? Don’t worry, there isn’t a ghost in your house. Your toilet can flush on its own, and it may be a sign of a bigger problem.

Thankfully, the problem can usually be solved by inspecting the parts in your toilet tank. A faulty flapper or flush valve can cause the toilet to flush spontaneously. This can even make it so your toilet won’t flush.

Contact a licensed plumber to check under the lid and eliminate ghost flushes if you can’t identify the problem. They may seem like no big deal, but unnecessary flushing can raise your water bill.

Toilet Hissing Noise

It’s normal to hear a short hiss when you flush the toilet; however, it should end quickly. If the sound persists, you have a broken or worn-down flapper. Your toilet bowl can never fully fill up when the flapper doesn’t work. Fixing or replacing the flapper can usually stop the hissing noise. If it doesn’t, contact a plumber to check it out.

Toilet Vibrating Noise

Your toilet should not cause the wall to shake and make a vibrating sound. If you experience this, it’s most likely because there’s a problem with the diaphragm gasket inside the fill valve. This equipment can wear down over time and malfunction.

You can diagnose the problem by looking under the toilet lid and lifting up the foam arm. You’ll know the diaphragm gasket needs replacing if the hissing sound stops.

a bathroom with a toilet that makes a groaning noise when flushed

Groaning Noise When Toilet Flushes: What’s Wrong?

Another common toilet problem occurs when you hear a groaning noise when you flush. The noise comes from your pipes, not the toilet itself.

Groaning noises usually happen because there is a constriction somewhere in the waterline. The noise may result from water flowing through a narrower section of the pipeline. The first step to fixing the problem is identifying where the constriction is coming from.

There may be a blockage in your pipes. Along with toilet groaning, a blockage can cause your toilet to back up, and you may notice a foul smell coming from the drain. Blockages can lead to large issues, so do not wait to call a licensed plumber to address the problem.

The moaning sound can also indicate that your toilet fill valve isn’t working properly. The quickest way to address this problem is to figure out which toilet in your home has the faulty valve.

Turn off the water supply to your toilets and then turn them back on one at a time. Listen for the moaning sound to come back to identify which toilet has the faulty valve. A new toilet fill valve may be all you need to solve the problem, but it’s best to ask a professional plumber to install it.

Another potential cause of your toilet moaning is air in your pipes. You will need to call a plumber to bleed the air out; do not attempt to do this yourself.

Lastly, the pipes behind the toilet may be loose in your walls, which causes them to shake and groan when the toilet flushes. Call a plumber to come and secure the pipes for you to see if that eliminates the groaning sound.

blue toilet water

Why is My Toilet Water Blue?

Seeing blue water in your toilet bowl is alarming, but luckily, it is an easy problem to identify. There are only a few reasons why your water would turn blue: corrosion in copper piping and high levels of copper in your water.

Copper pipes are durable and lightweight, which is why some plumbers recommend them. Tap water exposes copper to oxygen and chlorine and can become corroded over time. When that happens, the oxidized copper turns your water blue.

The blue water isn’t dangerous, but it lets you know that your pipes are old and corroded. This can cause several problems with your toilet and plumbing system. Your toilets may start leaking when flushed, the bowl can lose water and the bathroom floor could flood. You may also see damp spots on your wall, and corrosion can lead to dangerous electrical problems.

If you have corroded copper pipes, call a plumber to inspect them and determine if it’s time for them to be replaced. The age of your home will help make the decision. Copper pipes should last for around 70 years, but they can become corroded after 10 years.

The other reason your toilet water is blue is the high levels of copper in your water. This depends on your local water system and can happen even if you don’t have copper pipes.

If your area has high levels of copper in the water, it will naturally turn your toilet water blue. You will probably see the blue water randomly instead of consistently. One way to determine if this is the cause is to ask your neighbors if their toilet water also turns blue regularly.

Copper-rich water in your toilet bowl is not dangerous; however, drinking tap water with too much copper can have negative side effects.

If you want to reduce the amount of copper in your water, you can install a full-house filtration system. It will filter out copper before it gets to your toilet bowl, shower and taps. There are several types of water filters: chlorine filters, ion exchange filters, fluoride filters and activated carbon filters.

If you aren’t sure why your toilet water is blue, call a licensed plumber to inspect your system. They will help guide you on the right solutions and next steps.

Flush Away Your Toilet Problems Today

Strange toilet noises and blue water are alarming because they can come out of nowhere. However, they are often warning signs of something else going on with your plumbing.

Catching toilet problems before they can cause damage to your home is crucial. Sometimes the solution is simple, while other times, you may need an overhaul of your plumbing system.

The best way to get to the bottom of your toilet’s strange behavior is to contact a licensed plumber. They will identify the problem, offer the best solutions and guide you on the next steps for your home.

ABC Can Repair Your Toilet

A toilet that makes strange noises can often signify a larger problem. If you need plumbing help, contact ABC Home & Commercial Services. Our licensed professionals will efficiently diagnose and fix your toilet problem. In cases where a repair isn’t possible, we can help you decide which type of toilet works best for you and then install it.

Jim Brant

Jim Brant is the Plumbing Director for ABC Dallas and Fort Worth branches and has been with the company for five years. Jim has 30 years of experience in the plumbing industry and 14 as a master plumber. When Jim isn't addressing plumbing issues in the Metroplex and beyond, he enjoys off-roading in his Jeep.

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