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Which Pests are Most Active in the Winter?

ants austinDealing with Rodents and Bugs During the Cold Season

Although Austin never gets as cold during the winter as areas in the upper half of the U.S., there’s a winter cool down that can make many bugs and other pests seem to disappear. However, homeowners need to be aware of the fact that there are still a large quantity of pests that will be looking to gain access to the indoors throughout the fall and winter months. Fortunately, you can easily deal with this problem by utilizing the services of a professional pest control company.

What Type of Pests Are Most Common During Austin Winters?

Rodents of all types will be on the lookout for a safe, warm haven where they can pass the winter months without being exposed to the elements. Unfortunately, this haven is generally your home, and the amount of damage that can be caused within your walls and to your attic and insulation can be astronomical if you don’t take quick action. It’s usually easy to tell that they’re around due to unusual noises and the appearance of droppings.

Southern yellow jackets, also known as paper wasps, are active throughout the Austin area during the fall and winter. These pests can be easily confused with bees and other types of wasps at a first glance, but a yellow jacket nests on the ground and is extremely aggressive. Nesting usually happens during the spring and summer, so you could easily have thousands of yellow jackets on your property by the fall. ABC is properly equipped to deal with this problem, and this’ll enable you to protect your family and guests.

Climate controlled homes are wonderful for humans, but they also make your house much more inviting to unwanted visitors such as cockroaches and structure-infesting ants. Ants and roaches remain active during colder months and seek refuge inside your home, so winter temperatures will not allow these infestations to be “swept under the rug.” Like rodents, ants and roaches are enticed by food sources, so make sure countertops are clean, carpets are vacuumed, floors are swept, and food is stored in a way that’s inaccessible to pests.

How Can I Thwart These Pests?

The best way to deal with any type of rodent or pest problem in your Austin home is to contact ABC Home & Commercial Services and schedule an appointment with a pest control specialist.

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