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How To Identify Bermuda Grass Fungus

bermuda grass fungus

Bermuda grass is a warm-season turfgrass that grows best in full sun and is quite drought-tolerant. It can provide a lush, green lawn in warmer climates. However, it is susceptible to some turfgrass diseases, including Bermuda grass fungus.

Bermuda grass fungus is usually identified by its color and texture.

The fungus typically appears as reddish-brown spots or patches on the grass blades, although it can also appear as yellow or light green spots. These spots range from small dots to large patches up to six inches in diameter.

The texture of the fungus is usually soft and velvety but can also be powdery or have a scab-like appearance. In addition to these characteristics, Bermuda grass fungus typically has an unmistakable musty smell.

If you’re unsure what type of disease your Bermuda grass is suffering from, it’s best to consult a professional lawn expert.

Types of Bermuda Grass Fungus and How to Get Rid of Them

Bermuda grass is a popular turfgrass due to its hardy nature and ability to withstand high temperatures. Unfortunately, this warm-season grass can be susceptible to several types of fungus if not managed properly.

Bermuda grass’s most common fungi include brown patch, dollar spot, rust, gray leaf spot and fairy ring.

Brown Patch

Brown patch on your lawn presents itself as irregularly shaped patches that quickly get bigger while producing tan or light brown lesions on the leaves.

To control it, water your lawn deeply but infrequently. Avoid using nitrogen fertilizer, reduce shade and improve air circulation through pruning and mow at higher heights. Finally, treat with a fungicide when necessary.

Dollar Spot

This fungus has silver or straw-colored circular patches of up to one foot in diameter. It’s caused by periods of hot and humid weather, drought and high nitrogen levels. To control it, water deeply but infrequently. Avoid using nitrogen fertilizer, increase air circulation and mow at higher heights. Then, treat with a fungicide when necessary.


Rust is identified by reddish-orange powdery spores on the leaves that give them a rusty appearance. It’s caused by frequent irrigation and excess nitrogen. To control it, reduce moisture levels in your lawn. Additionally, avoid using nitrogen-rich fertilizers, mow at higher heights and treat with a fungicide when necessary.

Gray Leaf Spot

Gray leaf spot has grayish spots on the leaves that eventually turn tan and dry out. It’s caused by periods of wetness and warm temperatures in the spring or fall months. To control it, reduce moisture levels in your lawn. Avoid using nitrogen-rich fertilizers, rake or dethatch lawns to remove debris and mow at higher heights. Treat with a fungicide when necessary.

Fairy Ring

This fungus is identified by dark green circles of grass that can look almost like crop circles. It’s caused by different types of fungi that live in the soil and decaying organic material. To control it, water deeply but infrequently. Then, contact a specialist to reduce nitrogen levels in your lawn. You will also need to aerate your lawn to improve drainage and air circulation, dethatch or rake away dead grass and debris and treat it with a fungicide when necessary.

How to Prevent Disease

Regular mowing and maintenance is the best way to keep your Bermuda grass healthy and prevent disease. This includes regularly removing debris from the grass, such as fallen leaves and twigs. Watering the grass deeply but infrequently will also help reduce fungal growth by reducing moisture levels in the top soil layer.

Lastly, fertilizing with an appropriate fertilizer for your lawn will provide essential nutrients for a healthy turfgrass environment.

With these precautionary measures, you can successfully eliminate unwanted fungi in your Bermuda grass!

When Bermuda grass is plagued with weeds, it’s important to call a lawn specialist. They can properly identify the disease and recommend an appropriate course of action.

bermuda grass

Bermuda Grass Versus Fescue

Fescue and Bermuda grass are two popular types of lawn grasses, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass. This means it grows best when temperatures exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit and does not tolerate cold temperatures well. It is a fast-growing, low-maintenance grass known for being drought-tolerant and resistant to disease.

Fescue is a cool-season grass that thrives in cooler climates with moderate rainfall. Additionally, fescue requires more water than Bermuda grass but is better at standing up to wear from foot traffic and harsh sunlight.

Both types of grass have pros and cons. The right choice will depend on your lawn’s needs and local climate conditions.

Differences in Appearance

  • Bermuda grass typically has a bright green color, while fescue is usually a darker shade of green.
  • Fescue has finer blades that are less dense and more upright compared to Bermuda grass which has wider and thicker blades that lay flat on the ground.
  • The texture of Bermuda grass is often smoother to the touch than fescue, which tends to be coarser and spikier in appearance.
  • Fescue can tolerate colder temperatures better than Bermuda grass and won’t go dormant as easily during winter months.
  • Bermuda grass needs more water than fescue to stay healthy and green.

These are some of the key differences between Bermuda grass and fescue. Knowing these distinctions is helpful because knowing what kind of grass you have is vital to ensuring it has the elements it needs to stay healthy.

Both Bermuda grass and fescue have their pros and cons when it comes to preventing soil erosion. Bermuda grass has a more aggressive growth pattern that helps crowd out weeds. However, it may require more maintenance overall due to its susceptibility to disease and pests. A lawn care specialist can help you decide which type of grass would be best for your lawn.

bermuda grass

Bermuda Grass Maintenance

Maintaining a healthy Bermuda grass lawn requires regular attention and care. From mowing to fertilizing, there are important steps to ensure your lawn looks vibrant and lush.

You can enjoy the benefits of having a beautiful green space in your yard or garden with proper upkeep.


Mowing is an important aspect of Bermuda grass maintenance. It’s recommended that homeowners mow Bermuda grass down to one to two inches tall and mow regularly to encourage a dense, healthy lawn.

When mowing, it’s best to use sharp blades as this will ensure the grass does not get ripped or torn when being cut. After mowing, the clippings should be removed from the lawn. This way, they don’t have a chance to decompose and add undesirable nutrients back into the soil.


Fertilization is essential for keeping Bermuda grass healthy and vibrant. The optimal time to fertilize comes in late spring or early summer but can depend on your region and climate.

A lawn care specialist can advise you on the best fertilizer for Bermuda grass. They typically recommend using a slow-release fertilizer to ensure the grass has access to all the nutrients it needs throughout its growing season.


To keep Bermuda grass healthy, it’s important to water it deeply but infrequently. Deep watering encourages a deep root system, which can tolerate drought or heat stress better.

Additionally, for optimal results, avoid over-watering as this can lead to disease and fungus.

Weed Control

It’s also essential for homeowners to stay on top of weed control when maintaining Bermuda grass. Spot-treating weeds with an herbicide can help prevent them from taking over your lawn.

For larger areas, using pre-emergent herbicides in early spring and late fall can effectively reduce weed populations before they have a chance to take over.

Maintaining Bermuda grass requires specialized knowledge and experience, so hiring a lawn specialist is best. A lawn specialist understands the correct techniques to ensure your Bermuda grass grows healthy and full all year round.

With the right knowledge and care, your Bermuda grass can stay green and healthy for years. A specialist in lawn care can help create a customized schedule of maintenance activities that will ensure your grass has everything it needs to thrive.

Regular mowing, fertilizing, watering and controlling weeds are some of the necessary steps to having a lush and healthy Bermuda lawn.

With an effective lawn care plan, you can enjoy a lush, vibrant Bermuda grass lawn all year round!

ABC Can Keep Your Bermuda Grass Healthy and Strong

While Bermuda grass is relatively low maintenance, it can be hard to take care of when you notice it has disease or fungus. Instead of laboring over your lawn, let ABC Home & Commercial Services keep your grass looking its best. Our professionals can handle every aspect of your lawn care so that you can reap the benefits.

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