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Can I Prevent Stinging Insects from Nesting Around My Home?

San Antonio is home to a number of stinging insects. Local homeowners must contend with yellow jackets, paper wasps, and carpenter bees. Such insects have the potential to deliver painful stings and cause allergic reactions. Some species can also damage the exterior of a home. It’s best to prevent them from nesting in the first place.

Homeowners can take steps to eliminate food sources and desirable nesting cavities. Stinging insects prefer to build nests in protected areas that shield them from rain and hail. When possible, it’s helpful to fill or block access to these cavities. Do not attempt to do this until a San Antonio exterminator has removed any existing nests.

It is also beneficial to store empty beverage cans and household trash in a solid container with a tight lid. Garbage and unwashed soda cans can attract various species of stinging insects according to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. They can easily chew through plastic trash bags. Some insects also become more aggressive near sources of food.

Most homeowners cannot eliminate all of the potential nesting areas or food sources near their homes. Fortunately, San Antonio pest control experts have a solution. Exterminators can apply strong insect repellents to eaves, walls and porches before wasps or bees take up residence. This eliminates the more costly and dangerous task of removing nests.

A pest control expert will select the most suitable treatment for the specific species of insect that builds nests on a home. Structures that protect nesting areas from the weather will also prevent rain from washing away the repellent. However, such treatments must be reapplied every so often to ensure that they remain effective.

Don’t let bees and wasps prevent you from enjoying your deck, patio or lawn. Homeowners can improve safety and limit pest control costs by taking action before insects build their nests. If one or more nests are already present, it is wise to remove them before they increase in size. Contact us at ABC Home & Commercial Services.

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