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How To Flush a Water Heater

a water heater

Hot water at home is a luxury. There’s no better feeling than having a steaming hot shower after a long day. But, did you know you have to take care of your water heater to keep enjoying the comfort and relaxation that hot water brings?

Water heaters are one of the most overlooked appliances for many homeowners. Homeowners often tend to forget to clean them. If you haven’t given yours any TLC in a while, here’s a guide on how to flush a water heater. With regular upkeep, you can keep it running smoothly for years.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Flushing Your Water Heater

If you haven’t flushed your water heater in a long time, or have never done it, expect a lot of sediment buildup. To prevent any long-term damage and keep your water heater running efficiently, experts recommend cleaning it or getting it cleaned by a professional at least once a … Read Full Post »

Air Conditioner Starts Then Stops After Only a Few Seconds

Nothing feels better than turning on the air conditioner on a hot and humid day. But, that joy turns into frustration when the air conditioner starts and then stops after only a few seconds. This issue is called “short cycling.” While it is a fairly common problem in AC units, it is a sign that something is wrong. It’s best to resolve it quickly before it leads to more expensive repairs.

If your AC has been short cycling, here are the most common causes and what can be done to fix your unit. In more complex cases, the smart move is to contact an HVAC professional who can address the problem.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

Thermostats help air conditioners achieve your desired room temperature. If you set it to 65 degrees Fahrenheit, the thermostat will turn the AC on and off to maintain the right temperature. But if the thermostat is malfunctioning, it can’t sense … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Ants in the House

a house with ants

An indoor ant infestation is a nuisance for many homeowners. While the ants themselves may seem harmless, they can reproduce rapidly and become a big problem, especially in the kitchen. There are several ways that homeowners can deter and get rid of ants in the house.

It’s important for homeowners to understand every part of the ant life cycle to control an infestation. It’s not enough to get rid of adult ants; you must control them at every life stage.

Another place where it’s common to find ants is in your bathroom. They love the moisture of bathrooms and have easy access to food and water. There are a few ways to reduce the number of ants in your bathroom on your own, but working with a professional pest control service is the best way to kick ants out of your home.

How To Get Rid of Ants in the House

One of the … Read Full Post »

Identifying Zoysia Grass Versus Bermuda Grass

zoysia grass

Zoysia grass and Bermuda grass may seem similar in appearance but have different characteristics and needs. They are popular options for warm climates such as Texas and Florida, as they thrive in the heat.

Zoysia Grass Appearance, Care and Maintenance

Zoysia grass, pictured above, is a vibrant green grass that is relatively low maintenance. Since it thrives in warm weather, it can handle drought-like conditions and maintain its bright color. It can also survive bouts of cold weather and has a higher shade tolerance than Bermuda grass. However, zoysia grass takes longer to recover from damage than Bermuda grass.

Another benefit of zoysia grass is that it is an invasive species that can overtake weeds, especially when planted as sod. Homeowners can save time on weed pulling with zoysia grass. It only requires a little water or mowing.

A key difference between zoysia grass and Bermuda grass is blade width. Zoysia grass can range … Read Full Post »

Do Bed Bugs Hibernate?

two bed bugs

Did your bed bug infestation seem to go away in the winter months? It can be confusing to know whether the cold weather killed off the unwelcome pests or if they are simply hibernating.

The truth is that bed bugs do not hibernate, but they may enter a dormant state when it’s cold to conserve their energy. Homeowners should not take their momentary disappearance as a sign that the infestation is gone forever.

Next, it’s normal to see dead bed bugs around your home before and after professional treatments. Seeing them before a treatment indicates that there are more nearby, and seeing them after treatment means that the treatment is working, but follow-up treatments may be needed.

Lastly, it’s important to understand the life cycle of bed bugs. They go through five stages before maturing into adulthood. Keep reading for everything you need to know about bed bugs.

Do Bed Bugs Hibernate?

While bed bugs … Read Full Post »

Aedes Aegypti Mosquito Identification & Control

an aedes aegypti mosquito

It’s not hard to know when you have mosquitoes around. They definitely have a way of announcing themselves. But, what kind of mosquito are you dealing with? There are several common species. Some bite during the day, some at night and some will bite whenever they can. Knowing what kind you’re dealing with can help you fight back. What’s more, different species carry different diseases. Knowing what kind of mosquito is biting you might also help your doctor diagnose the cause if you come down with symptoms after a mosquito bite.

Why You Should Know the Aedes Aegypti Mosquito

Yellow fever isn’t commonly known in the U.S. The few cases seen each year in the US are typically travelers from Africa or South America. That might lead you to think the yellow fever mosquito isn’t a major concern here. The reality is that while Aedes aegypti is the most common vector for … Read Full Post »

Where to Sleep if You Have Bed Bugs

a bed bug on a bed

Bed bugs are unwanted house guests that can quickly take over the place in your home that is meant to be a sanctuary: your bed.

Most homeowners want to sleep in a different bed until the infestation is gone. However, that will only lead bed bugs to other areas of your home. The best thing to do is to continue sleeping in the same bed and contact a pest control specialist.

Reactions to bed bug bites vary from person to person, and they do not always show up right away. Monitoring your bites and knowing when to seek medical help is important.

Lastly, dry cleaning will kill bed bugs, but it is not an effective bed bug treatment. Working with a professional who can identify bed bug hiding places is the best way to kick these pests out of your home.

Where to Sleep if You Have Bed Bugs

As soon as you see a … Read Full Post »

Getting Bitten at Night But No Sign of Bed Bugs

closeup single bed bug crawling on mattress

Have you noticed red spots on your skin but you aren’t sure where they came from? It’s possible that you were bitten by a bed bug while you were sleeping.

For some, bed bug bites cause no reaction; however, others experience itchy red spots and symptoms of an allergic reaction.

If you suspect your bites are from bed bugs but haven’t noticed the signs of an infestation, it’s possible that they snuck in under your nose. Bed bugs are tiny insects that are excellent at hiding and can go unnoticed for a long time. Understanding the signs of an infestation and the side effects of bed bug bites can help you identify your problem.

There are several suggested home remedies for bed bugs, such as spraying them with rubbing alcohol, but most of them do not work. The most effective and thorough way to deal with a bed bug infestation is to call … Read Full Post »

What To Do About Termites in Your Soil

termites in soil

Most homeowners have heard about the horrors of termites in their homes. These small pests build colonies numbering in the thousands or even millions. They feed on wood and can cause major property damage as they chew through houses, garages, decks, fencing and more. But what if you notice termites in the soil somewhere on your property? Should you be worried?

Unfortunately, if you find termites in the soil, they are likely to be subterranean termites—one of the most common and destructive termite species in the United States. These pests build their colonies in the ground near the wood that they feed on. If you see them in the soil, this is a sign that there is an active colony nearby.

Termites in the soil can also indicate a water leak or drainage problem. The reason subterranean termites build colonies in the soil is that they require damp conditions. Broken sprinkler lines, … Read Full Post »

Do Mosquitoes Die in the Cold?

a mosquito

There are many nice things about cooler weather. Arguably one of the best things about cooler temperatures is finally getting a break from mosquito activity. For lots of us, this is a big relief after months of warm weather when mosquitoes are active and bite us every time we step outside. But, does the absence of mosquitoes mean that mosquitoes die in the cold?

The unfortunate truth is that many types of mosquitoes do not die when it gets cold out. Instead, they go dormant until temperatures start to rise again. Other types of mosquitoes do die, but not before laying their last batch of eggs near a water source. Then, when temperatures rise again, the eggs start to move through their life cycle and a new generation of mosquitoes is born.

Mosquitoes are cold-blooded, which means they can’t regulate their body temperature when outdoor temperatures get hotter or colder. These pests … Read Full Post »