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Cool Facts About Bug Hibernation

ladybugsGood, Bad and Beautiful Snoozers

There’s nothing like a blast of central Texas cold to eliminate summer pests from the scene, but they don’t all disappear when the chill sets in. Some insects sneak into your house, burrow into the lawn or tuck away deep inside trees. Three local bugs have mastered the snug art of hibernating through our coldest Austin winters.

The Good

It’s impossible not to smile when you spot a lady bug. Whether it’s a bright red specimen or a shiny yellow version, the beneficial insect is welcome in gardens throughout the area. The lady bug has a great reputation for keeping aphids and other flower-destroying pests under control, but the real credit goes to its larvae. Yes, the youngsters do all the work. This pretty beetle can become a problem when the temperatures drop. They can migrate into walls, attics and your home’s HVAC system.

The Bad

You won’t run across many pests with fewer redeeming qualities than the native stink bug. Each spring, its newly hatched nymphs ruin vegetable gardens, munch on fruit trees and run amok among the flowers. Adding insult to all that injury, the insect has recently been joined by a non-native cousin. This Asian invader and our Texas stink bug both consider your home hibernation heaven. They start moving in around September and don’t head out for the great outdoors until early spring. By then, they’ve already left smelly calling cards throughout the house.

The Beautiful

You see expansive, dark maroon wings with pale, creamy edges accented by brilliant blue spots. Its natural enemies overlook a camouflage of coloration that makes the mourning cloak butterfly seem invisible. This beautiful bug is one of only a few area butterflies that stays put through the cold winter. It snuggles deep underneath loose bark or inside a tree cavity and naps until springtime warms up its love life. This stunning 3-inch insect graces flowers, dines on nectar and plays a vital role in pollination while it enchants Hill Country gardeners.

From June bugs and cicadas to bottle and blow flies, the list of insects that hibernate here in Texas is surprisingly long. Our pest control specialists know them all here at ABC Home & Commercial Services. Contact us if you suspect insects are bedding down in the house. We’ll make sure to evict the bad and the ugly.

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