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Looking For A Better Night’s Rest? Adjust Your Thermostat.

recommended thermostat settings

It seems that being tired these days is a common challenge for many people. With smartphones and other smart devices, working around the clock is the new norm – and it has become even harder to disconnect from our technological leashes.

While work stressors and a constantly connected environment may be interrupting our sleep schedules, there are multiple other factors to consider – like light, mattress quality, and diet. Surprisingly, something you may not have considered is that temperature can make or break a good night’s sleep.

But before you dial down your thermostat to nearly freezing, let’s learn a bit more about how your thermostat affects your body, and how, as a new homeowner, you can maintain an energy efficient home.

The Mirroring Effect

The temperature of your room or sleeping area has a significant effect on your quality of sleep. Despite your comfort levels during an evening at home, scientists suggest setting your thermostat a few degrees colder before getting into bed to ensure a good night’s sleep.

recommended thermostat settings

Your body’s temperature rises and falls throughout the day and a room that’s too warm can interfere with your body’s natural dip and climb in temperature. An overly cold room has a similar effect.

As a result, these extremes can cause interrupted sleep throughout the night and a feeling of restlessness as well.

Adjusting the thermostat to better mirror your body’s natural temperature patterns as it sleeps will allow it to follow its natural rhythm, and as a result, enable you to get a better night’s sleep.

The Ideal Temperature

According to multiple studies, 65 degrees is the ideal temperature for a good night’s sleep. And while this number is recommended, every person’s natural body temperature is different. That’s why it’s important to experiment with other temperatures to find your optimal thermostat setting.

little girl sleeping soundly

Sleep doctors suggest experimenting between 65 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. While experimenting, be sure to keep all other influences, like clothing, bed sheets, and blankets the same, as these factors can affect how your body perceives the room’s temperature.

Strike A Balance

While you might be getting a better night’s rest, making certain changes to your thermostat will have an impact on your electrical bill. And as a new homeowner, you’re probably wondering just how much those adjustments will cost.

Luckily, there’s a way to balance lower, nighttime temperatures to eliminate any major financial changes.

The typical American household maintains the temperature in their home between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. While this range isn’t terrible for your wallet, raising the temperature a few degrees can positively impact your electricity bill.

If you plan to stay home throughout the day, try to keep the thermostat at the warmest setting you can tolerate within the 70 to 75 degree Fahrenheit range. If you plan on being out of your home for the majority of the day – as many of us are – consider turning your thermostat back 7 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit from its normal setting.

Turning back your thermostat for roughly 8 hours a day can help you save as much as 10% a year on your home’s heating and cooling bills.

To keep your home cool throughout the day, close the blinds or curtains to block the sun from coming in. Doing so will help maintain the cooler temperature from the night before, despite the thermostat’s higher temperature. In the early evening, once the temperature outside decreases, you can reopen the blinds and curtains to let in the sunlight.

Consider Location

Location is everything – even when it comes to your thermostat. To properly adjust to and read a room’s temperature, a thermostat must be located on an interior wall away from direct sunlight, drafts, doorways, skylights, and windows. Make sure it’s situated where airflow is constant and avoid placing any large furniture in front of or below it.

Finally, make sure it’s convenient. You’ll want it to be easily assessable for any and all occasions.

Give Us A Call

In south Texas, August and September are peak times for all of your cooling and heating general service needs. Whether your equipment requires updating or if you’re looking to improve your system’s energy efficiency, ABC Home & Commercial San Antonio has you covered.

So before you go running to your thermostat, read our suggestions and consider giving us a call today. We promise to keep your home cool – or warm – all year long.

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