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How to Avoid Common Landscaping Mistakes

A beautiful landscape invites people to linger, enjoy the sights and savor the fragrances for a few moments. The only problem is that creating this kind of landscape isn’t as simple as it appears. After all, if it were easy, everyone would have one. Add to this the intense Houston climate, and a pretty landscape can seem like an impossible dream. Yet it doesn’t have to be.

All you need for a fabulous landscape is a bit of knowledge. To help you get started, websites like HGTV are an excellent resource for landscaping ideas and suggestions. Then, to ensure that you don’t make the most common landscaping mistakes, here are five tips on what to avoid:

Planting Without a Plan

Creating an attractive look requires some thought. A garden is no exception. If you’ve ever seen a landscape with plants of every color and size virtually thrown together, you have a fair idea … Read Full Post »

Why Mulch Creates a Stunning Lawn

Many people skip the mulch when landscaping their properties, but there are so many good reasons to consider adding it to your lawn. If you want your yard to look its best, consider adding mulch for a truly stunning result.

Create a Barrier

Flowerbeds, shrubs and grass can all tend to run together, and you don’t want to lose the aesthetic value of your beautiful plants if you can help it. With mulch, you can create an easily recognizable barrier between your gorgeous green grass and all of your favorite plants.

Add Color

Although green grass and green plants are attractive, your lawn could probably use a little bit of color. Mulch comes in many different shades, so you can choose a color that will match your house and lawn the best. When you do, your mulch is sure to stand out and really shine.

Keep Weeds at Bay

Weeds can be a real eyesore in … Read Full Post »

Is Your Landscaping Drought-Resistant?

Although a beautiful landscape may not be easy to create, almost everyone recognizes one. A perfectly green lawn, full shrubs, majestic trees and gorgeous flowers are among the pretty plantings that most people would think of as part of an attractive landscape. However, maintaining that beauty comes at an environmental price that just isn’t compatible with the green way more and more people are attempting to live today. The large amounts of water and fertilizer that often go into lush landscapes are an environmental nightmare. Now people who want a fabulous landscape without the environmental impact are turning to drought-resistant landscaping.

While drought-resistant gardening involves a variety of practices, the main idea is to design a pleasant landscape that uses the least amount of resources. Since Bryan-College Station sets the eco-friendly landscaping trends in the region, you might want to consider ways to make your landscaping more drought-resistant. In the end, … Read Full Post »

Pro Tips: 10 Reasons Texas Business Owners Swear by Composting and Aeration

Houston business owners who care about the environment have a lot of options when it comes to going green. Those looking to take the next step while creating beautiful outdoor areas at their places of business should consider aeration and composting. If you’re not convinced your company can benefit, check out these ten reasons why many business owners love to choose aeration and composting.

1. Aeration helps to improve fertilization and nutrient intake. When your lawn is aerated, its root system allows more room to breathe and collect nutrients. This means you can use less fertilizer and still get excellent results.

2. Aeration improves water absorption. Because lawns can get water and nutrients more quickly when they are aerated, this simple action can help reduce watering costs while allowing you to create a beautiful lawn.

3. Aeration reduces water runoff. Less water runoff means lower bills and a better environmental track record for … Read Full Post »

Landscaping That Does More than Look Good

Tropical plants are renowned for their lush colors, but that beauty comes at a steep price for homeowners who maintain them. Some thirsty flowers like Iris pseudacorus require standing water, which is extremely costly in Bryan-College Station during the summer. If you’re looking to practice sustainable gardening, reduce water and energy consumption whenever possible.


Most people who mulch prefer organic materials like bark chips and pine needles, but you can choose rubber, cardboard, or stone if you don’t want to reapply mulch every year. When applied to an entire flower bed, mulch presents a beautiful, uniform look, and it helps keep the edges clean. Weeds have more difficulty growing up from the soil through several inches of mulch.

Mulch also reduces soil evaporation, so you don’t have to irrigate as often. According to one research project presented at Texas A&M, mulch reduces water evaporation by 25%, which could save you thousands of … Read Full Post »

Landscape Fail: The Most Common Design Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Like any homeowner, you’d probably like your landscaping to look amazing. Wanting an amazing yard and creating one are two different things, of course. It’s easy to make seemingly small mistakes that can wreak major havoc on the appearance of your landscaping. By familiarizing yourself with the most common ones, you can be on your way to incredible landscape design in no time!

1. Not Having a Plan

If at all possible, come up with a plan before doing any major landscaping work. At ABC Austin, we routinely come across yards that have been worked on a little here and a little there. There’s often a mishmash of elements that don’t really go together, which results in a scattered, disheveled look. With a clear plan in mind, you can easily achieve an attractive, cohesive landscape design for your Austin home.

2. Not Considering the View from Inside

It’s easy to have tunnel vision when … Read Full Post »

Best on the Block: Top 10 Design Ideas to Light Up Your Home for the Holidays

Aren’t you sure what to do with your home for the holidays? Check out our top 10 ideas for transforming your Houston home into a stunning seasonal success.

1. Emphasize existing landscape features and the graceful branches of deciduous trees by illuminating them with ground-level flood lights. Use existing landscape lighting or modular spotlights to highlight wreaths and green decorations. Fill fountains, urns, and birdbaths with gazing balls or evergreen boughs to maximize their seasonal appeal.

2. Think about your landscaping before you decorate. Watch for decorative plants that will complement your holiday display. Treat landscape shrubs in late fall to protect them and keep them looking healthy all season. Evergreens, hollies, and berry-producing shrubs are ideal for incorporating into your holiday display.

3. Place greenery, topiaries, garlands, and evergreen wreaths on entryways, windows, mailboxes, columns, and porches. These items will look beautiful during the day before the timer activates your lights.

4. Add … Read Full Post »

Cool-Season Plants Create Cool Yards in San Antonio

The crisp, fall months here in San Antonio are worth celebrating if only because you’ve beat the Texas heat again. If you enjoy digging around in the garden, this is the best time of year to give that green thumb some cool-weather exercise. Here are three local favorites you’ll love in your fall landscape:

Delicious Rosemary Bushes

Forget about that little plant growing on the kitchen windowsill. The full-grown rosemary bush flourishes in central Texas gardens and grows to a feathery height of five feet. If you’re looking for a little drama and delicious fragrance in an evergreen hedge, this is a great choice for your fall planting plans. It grows well in large pots as well, so double down on decorating around the patio. Make sure that your rosemary bush gets plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil. Enjoy this wonderful plant all year, especially when you’re in the mood for a … Read Full Post »

Wanna be Green? Try Losing Your Lawn!

As a homeowner, you probably take pride in your grassy front yard. There’s no shame in this: For many homeowners, nothing says “I’ve made it” like a fenced-in patch of brilliant green grass.

Unfortunately, San Antonio has been experiencing severe drought for several years on end, and forecasters expect the problem to continue. There’s a good chance that already tight city and county water restrictions will become even stricter: in nearby Austin, watering your lawn during the day is punishable by a $475 fine. Cut down on lawn care and get out in front of this looming problem with eco-friendly drought-resistant landscaping that uses native, drought-tolerant plants instead of water-guzzling grass.

What’s a Drought-Tolerant Landscape?

Also known as a “xeriscape,” drought-resistant landscaping is an area of landscaping that eschews moisture-loving varieties of grass in favor of water-sipping plant species like succulents, prairie grasses and desert-native shrubs. According to the University of Arizona’s Water … Read Full Post »

5 Ways to Prepare Your Yard for the Changing Season

Summer is over, but it’s not quite a time to hang up your lawn tools for the year. Here are the final five lawn care tasks you need to complete before winter:

Remove Dead Leaves Immediately

Raking your leaves might sound common sense, but many homeowners put it off until all their trees are completely bare. Trees can drop leaves for more than a month, and they’ll pile up. After a good rain, those leaves will become damp and heavy, and you’ll have difficulty blowing or raking them into a pile.

Try to remove dead leaves at least once a week as soon as they begin dropping, and you’ll split up an enormous task into manageable chunks. Dead leaves will also prevent grass from receiving sunlight, which will decimate your lawn after a few weeks. Fungus and mold will also take their toll.

Eliminate Weeds on Your Lawn

Most plants begin to conserve nutrients in … Read Full Post »