ABC Blog

Why Birds in the Trees Are Bad for Business


Nuisance birds can deter customers and hurt profits

Birds can be a beautiful part of the landscape, but they become problematic when crowded into close quarters with people. Nuisance birds can cause damage to your company property and drive away customers, necessitating costly control measures that eat into your bottom line.

Common Pest Birds

Several nuisance birds populate urban areas, including:

  • Pigeons
  • Starlings
  • House sparrows

All three species prefer to nest in sheltered, elevated areas such as window ledges. Over time, birds may become dependent on people for food and living space, making them more difficult to remove.

Problems With Nuisance Birds

Large numbers of birds gathered in public areas can cause a lot of trouble. Aside from getting in the way and sometimes reaching numbers that border on creepy, flocks of nuisance birds leave behind large amounts of droppings. These not only deface your building and property but can also cause structural damage such as rust and corrosion as they degrade. An excess of bird droppings poses a slip-and-fall hazard for your customers that could lead to expensive legal suits should someone get hurt.

Nesting materials may clog drainage or plug chimneys, both of which can be costly depending on the type of business your own. Whether or not they build nests, flocks of nuisance birds may settle in an area, claiming it as their own and becoming difficult to remove. Between liability and cleanup, it’s possible to find yourself shelling out more than you bargained just to keep birds from destroying your business.

Dealing With Unwanted Birds

A few simple control measures may be all you need to stop a bird invasion before it becomes serious. If you run a foodservice business such as a restaurant, clean up any food that gets spilled outdoors as quickly as possible. Try placing bird netting on potential nesting areas or invest in a commercial bird repellant to deter flocking. However, before using any type of control, check to make sure that the birds you’re looking to repel aren’t protected species. Most common nuisance birds fall outside this category.

Don’t let problem birds overrun your Dallas business. Give ABC Home & Commercial Services a call today to fix the problem. Our specialists will assess the situation, develop a wildlife control plan, and take care of the problem. Our services are designed to ensure that you and your customers don’t have to deal with nuisance birds and that your company’s property remains clean, safe, and inviting.

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