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Why Starlings Are Taking Over Your Lawn

The lowdown on these high-flying fowls

The estimated starling population in Texas exceeds tens of millionsWhen you talk to a dedicated bird lover about his San Antonio favorites, he won’t mention starlings. Ask him to name a species he considers a pure nuisance, and you’ll hear all about this invasive creature. You’re both on the same pest page for good reason. The estimated starling population here in Texas exceeds tens of millions, so it’s no wonder they’re all over your lawn.

Good Intentions Gone Wrong

It started in New York City’s Central Park in the late 1890s with Eugene Schieffelin’s release of a small flock of starlings. The gentleman was obsessed with birds from Shakespeare’s plays, and his intent was to fill the American sky with every species mentioned by the Bard. Sadly, there are no records of any other introductions by Mr. Schieffelin. However, his one contribution resulted in a current starling head count that could easily populate a remake of Hitchcock’s classic movie “The Birds.”

Trouble on the Wing

Starlings are tenacious, fiercely aggressive, and natural opportunists. Rather than build their own nests, these winged bullies evict native birds from their homes in trees and birdhouses. Woodpeckers, blue birds and purple martins are the usual targets. The sight of starlings in the yard isn’t pretty, but imagine farmers’ fields decimated by these voracious foragers. Starlings are responsible for millions of dollars in damage to crops every year, and they’re proven carriers of several infectious diseases.

Settling the Starling Score

The best way to discourage these determined birds is to shut them out by covering tree cavities and birdhouses with nylon netting. Sadly, this tactic drives away the population that you want to encourage, but it’s a necessary strategy. You might prefer a decorative approach with scarecrows or hawk kites guarding the yard. There are sticky repellents available to keep starlings off ledges and window sills, but it’s best to let professionals handle a serious invasion.

San Antonio is blessed with so many beautiful native birds, and their songs make every morning brighter. However, disliking starlings is a guilt-free exercise in common sense. If you’d like more advice on dealing with these noisy yard creatures, give our friendly staff a call here at ABC Home & Commercial Services or request a free estimate online. We handle all kinds of pests on the wing, and we’re always happy to help.

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