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Noises in the Walls: Could It Be a Rat Invasion?

Rats have become the most common pest in San AntonioDo you hear noises in the walls or ceilings? It could be a sign that rats have invaded your home. These large rodents recently became the most common pest in the San Antonio area. They will live in any building that provides them with water, food and shelter.

A rat infestation doesn’t imply that a house or neighborhood is unclean. It simply means that your home has at least one opening the size of a quarter. Unfortunately, many new buildings are constructed with small holes in their roofing or siding.

Signs of an Invasion

Two rat species have achieved notoriety in San Antonio. If you usually hear noises in the ceiling, roof rats may have infested your attic. These rodents run quickly and like to eat nuts or fruit. The larger Norway rat is more likely to crawl through your home’s walls.

You will probably notice other indications before you actually see a rat. Common signs include scattered feces, grease marks on walls, chewed surfaces and footprints in the dust. You may also detect an unpleasant odor, especially if one of the rodents dies.

If you spot outdoor nesting sites near your home, it’s possible that rodents have strayed indoors. Underground nests are typically a sign of the Norway rat, a scaly nocturnal pest that will eat almost anything. The more common roof rat prefers to nest on tree branches.

Major Consequences

Rats cause more health problems than the average pest. Although they seldom bite humans, these rodents spread bacteria throughout the home. This has the potential to induce asthma attacks, food poisoning and allergic reactions, according to the San Antonio Express-News.

A rat invasion can also damage your house and its contents. Rodents will sever electrical wires, puncture rubber hoses and chew on any item that isn’t very sharp or hard.

Many rodents carry much smaller pests, such as fleas and tropical rat mites. They might fall off a rat when it scratches itself. These parasites may bite you or your pets and cause itchy bumps to appear. They often infest rugs, clothing and furniture as well.

Taking Action

If rats infiltrate your home, it’s best to call a professional before they multiply and cause significant damage. ABC Home & Commercial Services offers a guaranteed rodent control solution that delivers lasting results. We’ll inspect your house, set traps and seal rat entryways.

To get started, contact our San Antonio office today to schedule service.

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