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Bats in the Belfry Are Bad, but Squirrels in the Attic Are Worse

squirrels homesKeeping furry invaders out of your home

Squirrels are always looking for safe places to call home. Unfortunately, your attic provides everything they need to be comfortable: a cool area, nesting material, space to store food and a protected place to have babies. Squirrels can chew straight through shingles and wood to gain access to your attic. These preventative measures reduce the possibility of damage by helping to keep your home squirrel-free.

Deny Entry

A squirrel can’t take up residence in your attic if it can’t get inside. Take a look around both the inside and outside of the space and plug up any holes that you find. This includes both holes that lead into the attic and those that may offer access to the rest of your home. Install a cap over your chimney and cover vents with mesh to eliminate easy entry points. Make sure to leave one space for any current residents, squirrels or otherwise, to get out. Installing a one-way “door” ensures that critters can get out but not back in.

Trim the Trees

Overhanging trees can be an invitation for squirrels to enter your home. It’s not hard for them to jump from a nearby branch onto your roof and make their way into the attic. To deter this, keep all branches trimmed at least six to eight inches away from the house and consider adding a band of sheet metal to the tree trunk. Attaching sheet metal makes it difficult for squirrels to climb the tree in the first place, so it’s harder to gain access to the attic.

Make the Space Unwelcome

Squirrels won’t want to hang out in your attic if it’s too noisy or bright. Invest in a strobe light to surprise squirrels and send them back outside. A radio tuned to a talk station is a good added deterrent as it provides a constant stream of “human noise” that may unsettle some squirrels. If this doesn’t work, try a machine that emits ultrasonic sounds that only animals can hear. This unpleasant noise should keep squirrels out of the attic and drive out any that have gotten in.

When you’ve taken every precaution to keep squirrels out of your home but are still having problems, contact ABC Home & Commercial Services in San Antonio. Our qualified specialists are trained in rodent control and can safely remove squirrels and other pests without hassle. Schedule an inspection or call for services today and reclaim your home from furry invaders.

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  1. William Scott Commented ()

    Inspect the exterior of the attic. Locate the entryway that the squirrels are using to get into the attic. Before you block off the entry, make sure that the squirrels have left the premises. You do not want to trap them indoors. If there are squirrels inside, proceed to the next step.


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