ABC Blog

Cockroach Hitchhikers

From planes to cars, cockroaches seem to be everywhere. How do these resourceful pests find their way into places that humans would prefer they stay away from? Cockroaches are programmed to find a way into any sheltered area with a water and food source.

Cracks, Crevices, and Holes

As with any household pests, cockroaches (also known as Palmetto Bugs) can most often find a way into a building by locating small cracks or holes that lead to a warm, sheltered place to live. A nearby food and water source is another big draw. Sealing up cracks can keep cockroaches from coming into a home, but these pests are known for their resourcefulness and ability to find a way to survive.

Skilled Hitchhikers

Even if a property owner ensures that no cracks or holes can encourage pests to enter a building, cockroaches are adept at finding a way to hitchhike into a building. Clothing and … Read Full Post »

The Beneficial Ladybug

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A Family of Friendly Insects in Florida

Members of the Coccinellidae family, commonly known as ladybugs, are not technically bugs. Entomologists call these insects by the more accurate term—ladybird beetles. There are about 5,000 species of ladybird beetles worldwide, most beneficial to mankind. Although the ladybug is often pictured as red with black spots, these insects come in various colors and patterns.

The common ladybug is a friend to gardeners and landscapers. When aphids and scale insects threaten rose bushes and garden vegetables, the ladybug fights back with vigor. One ladybug may eat 5,000 aphids in its lifetime. The female ladybug lays her eggs on plants that aphids, mealybugs, and scales frequently. As soon as the eggs hatch, the larvae start feeding. Consider the ladybug an ally in natural pest control. These effective exterminators are even considerate enough to replace themselves regularly. One female ladybug may lay 1,000 eggs in her lifetime. … Read Full Post »

Winter Rodent Invasions: Be Prepared!

Rodents can wreak havoc on a home at any point in the year, but these little creatures tend to invade homes during winter. Orlando is not one of the coldest places on earth, but animals will still attempt to seek shelter indoors as temperatures drop. These unwelcome guests can cause structural damage and the spread of rodent-borne pathogens. Unfortunately, rodents are difficult to remove from the home, so prevention is the best action.

Rodents are champions at chewing through wood and other materials, but even a small hole or gap is an invitation. Rats and mice are very flexible, and the hole must only be as wide as the mouse or rat’s skull. Look for holes around all the floorboards inside the house, including closets and areas behind large appliances. Holes might also form around pipes and vents. On the outside of the home, holes can occur in many places, including … Read Full Post »