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Fire Ant Prevention

Summer in south is known for many things, and unfortunately one of them is pesky fire ants. These creepy crawlers create nests all over your yard and venture into your home for food. If you encounter them, you might end up with some nasty stings.

If left untreated, fire ants can run rampant in your yard and even start nesting in or underneath your home. At ABC Home & Commercial Services, we are fully equipped to handle even the nastiest fire ant infestations. But we want to help you prevent fire ants from overwhelming your yard before we have to resort to professional treatment.

Here are some things to know about fire ant prevention: how to spot them, and how to kill them.

Facts About Fire Ants

Fire ants range in size from 1.6 mm to 5 mm. They are a dull red color, which can look reddish brown or reddish black depending on … Read Full Post »

Black Fly: Treating And Preventing Painful Bites

Black fly

Imagine this: You’re spending time outdoors in spring or summer when a small, grayish-black flying insect lands on your skin and bites you in order to feed on your blood. You smack at it, but it’s too quick—it zips away, leaving you with a red, itchy, painful welt. Not too hard to picture, is it? Most of us far more familiar with mosquitoes than we want to be, but how much do you know about the black fly?

While mosquitoes are a serious annoyance for those of us trying to enjoy some time outdoors through the warmer months of the year, mosquito bites pale in comparison to the nasty bite of the black fly. Unlike mosquitoes, which typically bite people most in the mornings and evenings, black flies bite all day long.

While not as prevalent in the southern states as they are in other regions of the U.S., black flies have … Read Full Post »

5 Common Summer Pests

If you haven’t guessed from the sight of sunburned shoulders and the sounds of kids enjoying temporary freedom from school, summer is officially in full swing. And while that means splashing in the pool, grilling in the back yard, and celebrating with fireworks, it also often means it is time for common summer pests to pay a visit to your home.

Being vigilant with preventative pest control and observing any potentially harmful insect populations in and around your home can be essential to reducing the likelihood of full-blown infestation. Are you wondering which creepy crawlies you should be looking for during this summer season?

At ABC Pest Control, we are proud to offer numerous solutions for getting rid of pesky insects year-round. Here is a list of five common summer pests we warn our customers to watch for during the hottest months of the year.

1. Fire Ants

After ants are finished hibernating through … Read Full Post »

Centipedes In Texas: Dangerous Or Nothing To Worry About?

Centipedes in Texas

Does the very thought of centipedes and millipedes make you shudder? If so, you definitely aren’t alone. Fear of centipedes even has its own name: chilopodophobia (centipedes are arthropods belonging to the Chilopoda class, which gives this particular phobia its name).

Even if you’re a nature-lover to your core, there’s just something a little skin-crawly about all those many, many feet attached to that long, smooth, armor-like body. It’s hard not to recoil instinctively when you discover one of these critters under a rock or while digging in the dirt, but are centipedes in Texas really as creepy as many believe? What should you do if you come across one in your yard or, worse, inside your home? Let’s find out by learning more about these insects, along with Texas millipedes and other similar creatures.

What Risks Do Centipedes Pose?

The word “centipede” literally means “one hundred feet,” as it derives from … Read Full Post »

Digger Wasp: Beneficial Or Dangerous?

digger wasp

Bugs and pests are typically considered a nuisance when they make their presence known inside or around your home. Unlike most other insects, though, the digger wasp is actually one to embrace, possibly even invite, into your backyard.

Not convinced? It’s the truth: The digger wasp feeds on other insects and pests that are harmful to the growth of a healthy lawn. And as such, this wasp can actually rid your lawn of other unwanted pests. These insects also help your lawn’s ability to soak water into the ground, aerate the soil and pollinate flowers in your backyard.

There are many subspecies of digger wasps. Despite the differences amongst species, these creatures have one thing in common: the females dig into dry dirt when it’s time to create a nest for their offspring. To make this job easier, all female digger wasps have rigid front legs, which they use to … Read Full Post »

6 Ways to Keep Your Garden and Yard Pest-Free Without Chemicals

6 Ways to Maintain a Pest-Free Garden and Yard Without Chemicals - How to Garden Without Pests or Pesticides

Today, we’re talking about how to keep your garden pest-free without the use of pesticides or insecticides. It’s a common question for people who want to maintain an organic yard or garden.

While it may not be easy, it is possible. So, don’t give up! Let’s turn that black thumb into a green thumb.

What is Organic Gardening?

Reconnecting with nature and all its beauty is a great way to heighten your awareness to the world around you, both big and small. Unfortunately, gardening is more complicated than it seems, as any true gardener knows.

First off, the soil is alive with a small-scale world mostly unknown to us. One scoop of soil can be home to hundreds of thousands of fungi, thousands of protozoans, and a huge assortment of microscopic creatures known as cryptozoa.

In the 1980s, Jostein Goksøyr and Vigdis Torsvik (Norwegian scientists), gathered a gram of soil from a nearby beech forest … Read Full Post »

Midges In Florida: A Nuisance Or A Larger Problem?

Midges in Florida

See if this sounds familiar.

You decide to fire up the grill for dinner. Everything is going great—until you feel the familiar bite of a bug. Then it happens again. Suddenly, you think of another twinge. Each time, you can’t see what could be attacking you.

At first, you assume it must be mosquitoes, but none seem to be around. Then you see the swarm. Dozens of tiny, flying insects hovering nearby in a cloud. Sandflies. Biting midges, or sometimes more commonly called “no see ‘us.”

You think they’re annoying, but at least they’re not dangerous. Or are they? What can you do if you don’t want to deal with these pesky pests?

Many Florida residents wonder if there is anything they can do to deal with midges. Why? First off, they’re everywhere. They can be incredibly annoying if you’re trying to enjoy the outdoors around sunrise or sunset.

Because most people have just seen … Read Full Post »

Tarantula Hawk: Is It An Arachnid, A Bird Or Something Else?

Tarantula hawk

Before we go into detail about the tarantula hawk, let’s make sure one thing is clear: this creature, contrary to what its name might suggest, is not a spider, nor is it a hawk. In fact, the tarantula hawk is one of the largest wasps found in Texas and other desert environments in the southwestern parts of the United States.

If this animal is an insect, how did it get its name? Believe it or not, this type of wasp, which is distinct because of its large size, red wings and bright, metallic blue-black coloring, preys on tarantulas. When this wasp stings a tarantula, the arachnid becomes permanently paralyzed.  The tarantula wasp then buries the spider in a hole in the ground or in the tarantula’s own underground nest. To finish the job, the wasp lays its eggs on the paralyzed spider. Once the wasp’s larvae hatch, they feed on the still … Read Full Post »

Black Vine Weevil: Protecting Against This Lawn Pest

black vine weevil

The black vine weevil, also known as the taxus weevil, is a serious threat to gardens across the world—yet many homeowners have never even heard of this insect, which can kill entire trees, starting at the roots. Originally from Europe, the black vine weevil made its debut in the northeastern United States sometime in the mid-nineteenth or early twentieth century. Now, this pest has reached most parts of the U.S., as well as many parts of Europe and Asia, and has earned the reputation of being the most destructive type of root weevil.

Adult black vine weevils particularly love to feed on the leaves of rhododendrons, azaleas, peonies, wisteria and Japanese holly. This can cause cosmetic damage—notches and holes in the plants’ leaves that result in a tattered, moth-eaten appearance—but this isn’t the worst of this pest’s potential for damage. Black vine weevil larvae feed on the roots of many plants, … Read Full Post »

Tiny Roaches: Are They Babies Or A Big Problem?

Tiny roaches

If you’ve never come face to face, or face to toe, with a cockroach before, consider yourself lucky. These insects are one of the most common household pests. If you haven’t found one inside your home yet, chances are that you will eventually come across one sooner rather than later. Unfortunately, it’s not just one type of cockroach you can encounter. There are a variety of species to look out for that come in different sizes and colors, too.

Take tiny roaches, for example. Both smaller in size and different in color, these cockroaches can puzzle even the most savvy homeowner. If you want to learn more about these small creatures that can cause a big disruption in your household, keep reading for information about types of roaches, what baby roaches look like what to do when you run across these creatures in your home, and most importantly, how to get … Read Full Post »