ABC Blog

Turn Sad Trees into Happy Trees

regular tree trimming keeps trees healthyFamed television artist Bob Ross was fond of dotting his landscapes with dozens of “happy little trees.” You may not be a pro with a brush and canvas, but you can do the same with your own landscape. Strong, healthy trees provide immeasurable benefit to any home. Not only can they lower the immediate temperature, they provide a habitat for interesting wildlife and can bring up the resale value of the property. Here’s how you can take care of your happy little trees.

Let Them Breathe

Trees are often at their best when left to their own devices. After all, some of the most majestic trees on the planet grew without human intervention. That’s not to say you should take an entirely hands-off approach to landscaping, but it does mean that you can do more harm than good by fussing constantly with tree growth.

Be Cautious with Construction

Planning to dig up a driveway? Build a shed in the backyard? Whatever improvements you’re getting ready to do, make sure you don’t kill your trees in the process. A tree, remember, is much more than what you see on the surface. That tree depends on an intricate root structure under the earth to sustain its growth. Should you damage those roots with construction, you may not be able to recover the tree.

Mulch It Up

Trees grow well when you give them a nice layer of mulch around the base. Aim for a two-to-four-inch pile of mulch, surrounding the base on all sides. You can use wooden chips, shredded leaves, straw, or any other biodegradable mulch. What’s the purpose? Mulch can keep weeds at bay as well as keep enough moisture in the soil for the tree to thrive.

Don’t Overdo the Fertilizer

While a growing tree will need regular fertilizer and water to reach its full potential, you should back off when it comes to your mature trees. You can easily do more damage by over-watering than you could do by not feeding your trees enough. Always remember that trees do best when people leave them alone.

Caring For Your Trees

Want a yard filled with happy trees, but don’t have time to put in the work? Don’t worry about it! Call ABC Home & Commercial Services to take advantage of our full line of San Antonio tree care services, or schedule a free estimate.

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