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How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

a handful of grass seed

Do you dream of having a luscious green lawn? A healthy lawn starts with grass seeds, and it’s crucial to plant the seeds properly to achieve the lawn of your dreams.

How Much Grass Seed Do I Need?

Wondering how much grass seed you need for your lawn? You aren’t alone. Many homeowners worry about applying too much or too little grass seed, especially when starting a new lawn from scratch.

Lawn care professionals recommended using four to seven pounds of grass seed per 1,000 square feet of lawn space. This amount will provide healthy lawn coverage and allow your lawn to properly establish itself.

With a few calculations and considerations, you can determine the right amount of seed to use on your lawn.

First, measure the length and width of your lawn in feet. If your lawn is an odd shape that is difficult to measure, break it up into smaller sections. After you … Read Full Post »

My Dryer Smells: How To Eliminate Bad Odors

My dryer smells

If you’ve ever been hit with a whiff of something nasty while doing laundry and thought “Wow, my dryer smells!”, you’re not alone. Having a dryer that smells musty, sour, mildewy or worse is certainly unfortunate, but it’s not uncommon. Still, opening your dryer after doing a load of clean laundry and finding that it stinks can be a shocking experience. What could have caused the smell? Are your clothes ruined—or your dryer? Is there anything you can do to get rid of that unpleasant smell?

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to eliminate bad odors from your dryer. The very first step is to figure out what’s causing the stench. These are the likely culprits:

  • Something stinky was in your clothes in the washer and transferred with them to the dryer.
  • Something in the dryer or exhaust vent shouldn’t be there, such as a rat, squirrel or another wild animal that … Read Full Post »

Red Termites: Identification and Control Guide

red termites

Termites are an expensive problem to have at home. They can destroy almost anything, including wooden structures, insulation, books and filtration systems. Even the plants and trees in your backyard aren’t safe from these pests. They’re hard workers, wreaking havoc all year round. The needed repairs can leave a gaping hole in homeowners’ wallets.

While termites are common household pests, you might be surprised to see red variants invading your home. These are most likely drywood termite swarmers. It helps to know more about their characteristics and habits so you can identify them and control them.

Of course, you’ll need the help of pest control specialists. They have the tools and expertise to control termites and restore peace and comfort. It’s better to contact them sooner rather than later to prevent damage to your home.

Do Red Termites Exist?

We may not know it, but termites are all over the world. There are around … Read Full Post »

Are Moles Blind?

a mole

It’s a common misconception that moles are blind. Some homeowners wonder if moles even have eyes. Moles do have eyes, and they are not blind, but they have very poor vision.

Mole eyes are very small and they are covered by their fur. Because of these factors, it’s hard to see a mole’s eyes, which is why many people wonder if they have eyes at all.

Since moles are subterranean creatures and spend most of their lives underground, their eyes have adapted to their lifestyle. Their eyes can detect light and dark, but they can not see much beyond that. Instead, they rely on their other senses to survive, such as touch and smell.

How to Distinguish Moles From Other Pests

Moles have several distinct physical features. It’s important for homeowners to learn what moles look like so that they can identify them on their property.

First, moles are small animals that typically measure between … Read Full Post »

Watering Lawn At Night: Good or Bad Idea?

Watering lawn at night

If you’re a person that doesn’t like waste, you’ve probably heard that watering your lawn at day is a bad idea because the sun evaporates the water. Then, you probably switched the timer on your sprinkler system to water at night.

After a while, though, you notice some bare brown patches developing on your lawn. You think your grass must need more water, so you extend your watering time. However, the problem has only gotten worse. 

By the time you call in a professional who tells you it’s root rot, the problem has gotten bigger. Or, maybe you hear you have brown patch. Both conditions can turn into massive headaches.

Some homeowners water their lawns based on a common misconception: that our hot summer days make daytime watering useless. If water evaporates before it gets to the roots, you would only assume you should change to night watering. The truth is: watering at … Read Full Post »

Are Mice Blind?

a mouse

Ever heard of the nursery rhyme “Three Blind Mice”? Well, there’s a bit of truth in it. While house mice aren’t entirely blind, they don’t have the best eyesight in the animal kingdom. They can only focus on objects that are a couple of feet away. On top of that, they’re colorblind.

But these hardy pests make up for their poor vision with incredible motion detection. That’s why they can navigate their way around your home and find food and shelter without trouble. If mice are invading your space, it helps to familiarize yourself with their traits and habits. That way, they can’t outsmart you.

If all else fails, seek professional help. Pest control specialists have the expertise and equipment to control these pests and restore peace in your home.

Are Mice Blind? How Do They Get Around?

Many animals depend on their impeccable vision to survive. But mice aren’t one of them. You … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Rodents in the Attic

a rat in an attic

Your home should be a place of comfort and tranquility, but a rodent infestation can quickly ruin that. If you hear the scurrying above your ceiling, rats or mice might be getting comfortable in your attic. Here are the most common signs of a rodent infestation and what you can do to make your attic less attractive to them.

The best way to deal with the situation is by letting pest control professionals take over. They have the tools and expertise to control these troublesome pests and restore peace in your home.

Signs You Have Rodents in Your Attic

Rat and mice infestations can grow quickly because these creatures have excellent hiding skills. They dwell in the undisturbed areas in your home, like the attic, and will typically only come out at night to find food. But even though rodent sightings are rare, there are telltale signs to look out for.

Feces and urine … Read Full Post »

How To Get Rid of Mice in Your Garden

a mouse outside

For many homeowners, their garden is a prized part of their home. They tend to it regularly and do their best to keep pests away. But did you know that some animals can encourage your garden to grow? Having butterflies, birds and lizards close by can help your plants reach their full potential. However, there is one creature you should never welcome in your garden–mice.

Mice can cause extensive damage to a garden. They can even make their way into your home. All they need is a dime-size hole to come into your living space.

If you have mice problems, here are some tips to help drive them away. But the best solution is to get the help of a professional. A pest control specialist has the tools and expertise to restore peace in your home and garden.

Mice in the Garden? Keep Them Away With These Tips

If you see mice invading your … Read Full Post »

How To Make a Flower Bed

a flower bed

Do you want to add a beautiful flower bed to your property? The most intimidating part of this project is deciding what it will look like. When it comes to designs, colors and layout, the options are endless. The good news is that there is plenty of room for fun experimentation.

This guide will provide a step-by-step guide on how to make a flower bed, annual flower bed ideas and flower bed edging ideas. For the best results, contact a landscaping specialist for help.

How To Make a Flower Bed

The first step to making a flower bed is to choose the right location on your property, and you have several options when it comes to aesthetics. A few possibilities are in your front yard, behind a pool and along the fence line in your backyard.

Flowers will not survive in waterlogged soil, so make sure you choose a spot with proper drainage, or … Read Full Post »

If You See One Mouse, How Many Do You Have?

If You See One Mouse, How Many Do You Have

You’ve had some strange happenings around your home lately, including noticing weird grease marks on your walls and your pets acting strangely. Your normally-calm dog starts barking and growling at your walls out of the blue, and you’re not sure what the issue could be. Then, you spot it: a mouse. But you just saw one, so it can’t be that bad of a situation, you tell yourself. But in reality you’re thinking: If you see one mouse, how many do you have?

Unfortunately, locating a single mouse on your property is not that different than finding a needle in a haystack. These small rodents keep to themselves, and they’re relatively quiet. With their main predators being adept hunters—including cats, snakes, owls, hawks and foxes—they have learned how to be excellent hiders and know how to get around without being detected.

So, if you’ve seen a mouse, especially during daylight hours, it … Read Full Post »