ABC Blog

Mosquitos Drive Your Cat Nuts, Too

We care for our pets as we do our own children. They rely on us for food, shelter, safety, healthcare, and, most importantly, love and companionship (which they share with us in return). Our furry family members have many of the same needs as we do when it comes to keeping them healthy and safe.

Whether you are taking a trip to the dog park or hanging out around the yard, it is important to know what to look out for in terms of insects and parasites that can make your pet ill. Animals have allergies, skin sensitivities, and are susceptible to many of the same preventable illnesses as humans. In the summer, common pests like mosquitos, wasps, bees, and ticks can all cause harm to our cats and dogs.

Mosquitos Put Your Dog at Risk for Heartworms
Mosquitos are not only an annoyance for pets and people. They also carry heartworms, which … Read Full Post »

No More Bed Bugs for One Houston Grandma

Raleigh Jenkins and Houston grandmother Audrey Coffey on the day of bed bug inspection

The opening of the Astrodome and the lunar landing are just a couple of our city’s defining moments that 90-year-old Audrey Coffey has witnessed in her lifetime as a Houston resident. She has raised three children in our city, and those children now have kids of their own. Like the Jenkins of ABC Home & Commercial Services, there are three generations of Coffey’s, which is something both our families can be thankful for. Mrs. Coffey has lived in the fifth ward house where she raised her children since 1946, but for the last year, her home had a problem that caused her both physical and emotional distress – bed bugs.

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Do Cockroaches Make Noise? Your Questions Answered

Do cockroaches make noise

When these disgusting little creatures enter your home, questions may start popping into your head. Do cockroaches make noise? Do roaches like air conditioning? Do roaches hate the cold? Your mind can quickly start racing as you try to figure out why these pests have entered your home and how you can dissuade them from doing it again.

If you suspect that roaches hide in your walls to avoid getting sprayed or getting smashed with your shoe, you’re right. If you think these bugs are just trying to avoid human encounters, you’re wrong. We answer your top three questions below about what’s probably your least favorite bug below and share five bizarre facts about these insects below.

Do Cockroaches Make Noise?

Are roaches capable of making sounds? Some people say yes, and others say no. Certainly, seeing a cockroach can elicit high-pitched screams from an unsuspecting homeowner late at night. However, the most … Read Full Post »

Do Flies Feel Pain? Do Roaches? Your Questions Answered

Do flies feel pain

Many customers ask us about whether insects feel pain during their pest control treatments. Do flies feel pain? Do cockroaches feel pain? The science on the subject isn’t nearly as settled as you might think.

After all, pain as we know it is actually a complex neurological and emotional experience that can vary from person to person. Since pain is subjective on some level, scientists struggle with potential indicators of pain in animals. Behavioral changes may indicate something is amiss, such as when a dog becomes less social with its owners or when a cat stops eating. Discomfort in mice, rats, horses and rabbits can be evaluated on a “grimace scale” first developed to evaluate pain in children. When a rabbit is hurt, for example, you may see a stiffening of the whiskers, notice a narrowing of the eyes or observe it pinning back its ears.

To make matters more complicated, evolution discourages animals … Read Full Post »

5 Ways to Freeze Out Bugs This Winter

Keeping your home pest-free so you can enjoy the cooler weather

Winter in Austin may not be a snowy wonderland, but it’s still cold enough to make the warmth of your home seem inviting to pests. From crawling insects to creeping rodents, here’s how to banish these intruders and take back control of the house.

Clear Yard Clutter

Pests hiding in outdoor messes can easily move indoors if you don’t clean up before winter. Clear the leaves out of gutters and sweep them off the porch. Move mulch away from the house and get rid of anything else that might provide a warm, damp haven for cold-weather pests.

Burn Bridges

While you don’t literally want to burn anything, it’s a good idea to check for overhanging tree branches and other potential gateways for pests to enter your home. Wood piles kept next to the house are another prime example of pest habitats. Relocate the wood … Read Full Post »

Concrete & Termites: Separating Fact From Fiction

Concrete termites

Subterranean termites are a homeowner’s worst nightmare. The hordes of tiny, wriggling insects can effortlessly gobble up your home and your savings account. As horrifying as they seem, they’re just doing what nature designed them to do. In the forest, termites remove debris from the earth’s surface and help return nutrients to the soil. Unfortunately, when they’re on your property, they can’t tell the difference between a dead stump and an antique piano. The ecosystem’s little janitors know that they’ve found a yummy cellulose material to devour, and they have voracious appetites. You may be worried about your foundation because you’ve heard that termites can even eat their way through concrete.

You may have heard of subterranean termites, or even the invasive Formosan variety, but is there such a thing as concrete termite? Let’s answer that question and more so that you can protect your home from the pest that is … Read Full Post »

Cool Facts About Bug Hibernation

Good, Bad and Beautiful Snoozers

There’s nothing like a blast of central Texas cold to eliminate summer pests from the scene, but they don’t all disappear when the chill sets in. Some insects sneak into your house, burrow into the lawn or tuck away deep inside trees. Three local bugs have mastered the snug art of hibernating through our coldest Austin winters.

The Good

It’s impossible not to smile when you spot a lady bug. Whether it’s a bright red specimen or a shiny yellow version, the beneficial insect is welcome in gardens throughout the area. The lady bug has a great reputation for keeping aphids and other flower-destroying pests under control, but the real credit goes to its larvae. Yes, the youngsters do all the work. This pretty beetle can become a problem when the temperatures drop. They can migrate into walls, attics and your home’s HVAC system.

The Bad

You won’t run across … Read Full Post »

The Battle Against Termites…and Their Farts

Termites are best known for their big appetites, but munching on your floorboards isn’t the only thing they do well. From familiar household dwellers to exotic colonies living in giant tropical mounds, different termites all around the world share the same embarrassing secret. Thanks to their insatiable taste for cellulose, the building block of plant life, termites can’t stop passing gas—a habit that may be polluting our planet.

The Link Between Termite Gas and Global Warming

We can’t smell termite gas, so what’s the big deal? At the heart of the issue is methane, the toxic compound termites release as part of their normal digestive functions. Odorless and colorless, methane belongs to a group of dangerous greenhouses gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, accelerating climate change and eventually causing irreversible environmental damage. On their own, termites don’t emit enough methane to cause a whole lot of harm, but as a global … Read Full Post »

Do Wasps Fly South for the Winter?

There aren’t any beachfront retirement communities for wasps

During the warm season, wasps can be a serious scourge for homeowners across the San Antonio area. They’re especially problematic for homeowners with children and small pets. However, most observant San Antonians notice that wasps tend to either become scarcer or disappear completely during the winter. If you’ve ever wondered why this happens, we have some insight for you.

Wasp Life Cycles at a Glance

The life cycle of Texas wasps is an interesting, highly seasonal affair. As colonial creatures, wasps’ lives center around their distinctive-looking nests. These can typically be found in or near cracks and crevices on the sides of buildings, trees, or other structures.

During the spring, a new colony forms after a queen, aided by her workers, selects a suitable spot. The workers spend the spring, summer, and early fall months expanding and maintaining this nest. Meanwhile, the queen lays eggs for … Read Full Post »

Which Pests are Most Active in the Winter?

Dealing with Rodents and Bugs During the Cold Season

Although Austin never gets as cold during the winter as areas in the upper half of the U.S., there’s a winter cool down that can make many bugs and other pests seem to disappear. However, homeowners need to be aware of the fact that there are still a large quantity of pests that will be looking to gain access to the indoors throughout the fall and winter months. Fortunately, you can easily deal with this problem by utilizing the services of a professional pest control company.

What Type of Pests Are Most Common During Austin Winters?

Rodents of all types will be on the lookout for a safe, warm haven where they can pass the winter months without being exposed to the elements. Unfortunately, this haven is generally your home, and the amount of damage that can be caused within your walls and to … Read Full Post »