ABC Blog

Roach Family, Party of Four

You’ve worked hard to make your eatery worthy of five-star status. Your servers are top-notch, and your decor delights the senses. Most importantly, your specialties win rave reviews. It could all end with a single scream of horror as a cockroach runs across a table and scurries into a diner’s plate. In an even more nightmarish situation, one of your little brown friends could end up in an entrée. Remember, Dallas isn’t one of those places where cockroach is considered a delicacy. No matter how great your food is, your restaurant’s reputation can go right down the garbage disposal when the whole city hears about your bug problem.

Smart Customers Know the Signs

Don’t assume that show-stopping performances by talented live roaches and spontaneous projectile vomiting are the only risks you face. Savvy, health-conscious consumers know how to recognize the signs of a roach infestation. If they find droppings that resemble black … Read Full Post »

The Latest Texas Mosquito News and Your Family’s Safety

In July, an otherwise ordinary Texas mosquito proved to be the state’s first known carrier of Chikungunya, a tropical virus that hails from the Caribbean. While rarely fatal, Chikungunya is anything but mild, causing a host of unpleasant symptoms that range from fever to vomiting. What makes Chikungunya’s arrival here even more alarming is that this mysterious disease can’t be wiped out with medication. According to a local news report, for the unlucky few who get infected, bed rest for about a week is the only prescription.

Before you panic, keep in mind that you aren’t completely helpless against Chikungunya’s advance into the continental United States. Since the virus is transmitted through mosquito bites, better mosquito control at home is the key to staying healthy all year long.

Keep Your Property Dry

There’s nothing mosquitoes love more than standing water. Besides walking around your yard to look for puddles, remember to check your … Read Full Post »

The Problem with Imported Fire Ants

Some fire ants burn hotter than others

Red imported fire ants have become a serious problem in the Dallas area. They behave more aggressively and possess stronger stingers than most other species. This fast-moving ant has few natural enemies in Texas, so it continues to infest new areas. Large groups of fire ants may attack pets, livestock and people who disturb their mounds.


When you see small, dark-red insects that measure at least one-sixteenth inch, they might be imported fire ants. The largest workers grow up to one-quarter inch long, and their antennas consist of 10 tiny segments. Don’t stand next to a mound to inspect these bugs. It’s much safer to find a dead insect before using your magnifying glass.

Harmful Effects

Although it has been known to infest buildings, this invasive pest usually stays outdoors. You may feel its fiery sting if you work or recreate in a field, park, playground or … Read Full Post »

The Grass Is Always Green in Dallas

How targeted services can help keep your Dallas lawn beautiful

Like most homeowners, you want to keep your lawn in tip-top shape. A beautiful lawn makes a great impression on guests and adds to the visual appeal of your property. Unfortunately, keeping your yard in great shape isn’t always easy. It’s essential to take climate conditions in the local area into consideration when formulating a lawn care plan.

How Climate Impacts Your Lawn

Weather conditions in Dallas have a significant impact on your lawn’s health. While the area enjoys relatively temperate winters, very hot summers can be tough on your yard. Humid conditions can provide a haven for bugs that wreak havoc on grass, shrubs and trees. That’s why it’s important to choose a lawn care service specifically designed for local homeowners. When you take local conditions into consideration, you can develop an efficient and effective watering, weeding and mowing routine.

Essential … Read Full Post »

Mosquitoes Making Unwanted Waves This Summer

An annoying pest may have just become deadlier

In North Texas, the dog days of summer are known for stifling heat and restless locals. This summer, however, there’s a potentially serious threat to the health and well-being of people and pets across the Metroplex. According to numerous reports, mosquitoes bearing a potentially deadly pathogen have appeared in the region this year. In other parts of the country, mosquitoes with even more exotic ailments are making the rounds as well.

The West Nile Scare

Over the past several months, nearly a dozen pools of mosquitoes infected with the West Nile virus have been discovered in various corners of the metro area, including:

• Two Dallas ZIP Codes
• Carrollton
• Irving
• Mesquite
• Coppell
• Cedar Hill
• Duncanville

West Nile is a serious disease that causes flu-like symptoms, including muscle aches, headaches and fever, in about 20% of those infected. In rarer cases, it can lead to encephalitis that causes … Read Full Post »

Best Practices for Preventing Mosquito Infestations

Nothing spoils an outdoor gathering as quickly as swarms of attacking mosquitoes. Not only are mosquitoes annoying, they carry diseases that affect both humans and animals. Luckily, there are ways to control mosquitoes both inside and outside your home using common sense and an integrated pest management (IPM) program that minimizes harmful environmental effects.

Here’s the Buzz on Outdoor Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water, and the larva and developing insects need water to mature. Adult mosquitoes live in moist, cool places, such as under leaves, in drains and on plants. The best way to reduce mosquito populations is by removing sources of standing water. Outdoors, this includes removing pots and containers; filling in puddles; covering drains; keeping ponds, birdbaths and swimming pools clean; and keeping rain gutters free of debris. Even pool covers or tarps protecting outdoor furniture are attractive mosquito breeding grounds.

Some experts recommend using an integrated mosquito … Read Full Post »

Good Hedges Make Good Neighbors

Even if you love your neighbors, you probably don’t want to see everything that goes on in their yard. In the 1990s sitcom “Roseanne,” the Conners’ elderly neighbors enjoyed prancing about in the nude with the curtains pulled back. This accidental discovery prompted Dan and Roseanne to ask their neighbors to plant a hedge. Hopefully, this isn’t the case for you, but if your neighbors have an unsightly yard or you just need a bit more privacy, planting hedges in your landscaping provides the ideal solution.

Improve Your Landscaping With Hedges in Dallas

Hedges offer more benefits than just additional privacy; they also define property lines, break the wind and provide food and shelter for birds. Installing a privacy fence generates an impersonal look and may offend your neighbors, but planting a hedgerow creates a living fence that marks a boundary without cutting off neighborly communication. In addition, seeing a row of … Read Full Post »

Common-Area Maintenance Means Common Pests

Should you be fighting on more fronts?

Are your unwelcome guests really falling prey to your limited maintenance efforts, or are they savvy enough to simply move out temporarily before returning to their normal haunts? Vermin don’t need high-level intelligence to know it’s in their best interest to move somewhere else when the commercial pest control service starts spraying. If your treatment program isn’t comprehensive, you could just be spreading the problem to the rest of your Dallas building or facility.

Survival at All Costs

Creatures such as insects and rodents may lack the size advantages that humans and other animals count on, but they’re some of the planet’s most prevalent residents.

Researchers have discovered that ant colonies, for instance, go as far as using their bodies to make living rafts to protect their queens during floods, an act of dedication that most human families would be hard-pressed to imitate. Some cold-blooded insect species … Read Full Post »

5 Ways to Impress the Health Inspector

Ensuring your restaurant kitchen is always ready for inspection

Is your restaurant kitchen ready for the visit from the health inspector? Avoid common mistakes with this simple checklist.

Practice Good Hygiene

Clean habits make for a clean kitchen. Ensure that your staff always washes their hands after using the restroom. Gloves should be changed between preparing different dishes. Most importantly, staff members who are ill should never handle food. Be sure to check the bathrooms to make sure that the sinks and toilets are clean and all drains are operating properly to prevent backup or potential contamination.

Proper Handling of Hazardous Foods

Meats, dairy products, eggs and certain prepared foods must be kept at the proper temperature to avoid bacterial growth. Never leave refrigerated or frozen items sitting out until they become lukewarm. Cook all foods thoroughly and serve or store them in a timely manner. Keep food preparation and cooking surfaces clean at all … Read Full Post »

Do You Know About Those Tenants Under the Eaves?

You may not be in the habit of inspecting the eaves of your building. However, keeping this part of your store or office free from pests is vital when you want to keep dangerous rodents and critters at bay. You probably think outdoor creatures such as squirrels, opossums, and chipmunks are cute, but rodents like these can carry deadly diseases with them and infect your building by invading your eaves. When you want your office, store, or other commercial space to be free from such nuisances and health dangers, you can take these steps to keep these critters away.

Rodents like to live under your eaves because this area provides the warmth and shelter they need to build nests and raise offspring. In fact, this website reports that squirrels can have two or more litters of pups each year. You can get rid of these creatures and discourage them from taking … Read Full Post »