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How to Avoid Common Landscaping Mistakes

A beautiful landscape invites people to linger, enjoy the sights and savor the fragrances for a few moments. The only problem is that creating this kind of landscape isn’t as simple as it appears. After all, if it were easy, everyone would have one. Add to this the intense Houston climate, and a pretty landscape can seem like an impossible dream. Yet it doesn’t have to be.

All you need for a fabulous landscape is a bit of knowledge. To help you get started, websites like HGTV are an excellent resource for landscaping ideas and suggestions. Then, to ensure that you don’t make the most common landscaping mistakes, here are five tips on what to avoid:

Planting Without a Plan

Creating an attractive look requires some thought. A garden is no exception. If you’ve ever seen a landscape with plants of every color and size virtually thrown together, you have a fair idea of why planning matters. Even in a free-flowing cottage garden, with abundant flowers seemingly spilling out of the landscape, thought and pattern are applied.

So plan a color scheme with your favorite colors before you purchase anything. Also, remember to limit the number of colors. Multiples of odd numbers tend to make the best effect, and you may even enjoy the monochromatic beauty provided by planting shades of one color throughout the landscape.

Planting in the Wrong Area

Location, location, location—it’s as crucial in landscaping as in real estate. Place a plant in the wrong area and you’ll kill your landscape and the plant. Instead, when you find a plant you would love to have, read the little card inserted in the pot first. This card offers a variety of information, including the light requirements for the plant. Acquiring this information first can prevent you from placing a plant in the shade when it requires full sun or placing a shade-loving plant in direct sunlight.

Overlooking Plant Size

When it comes to landscaping, size matters. That lovely plant that’s the perfect size today may grow eight feet over the next few years, blocking your view from the window and overtaking the plants around it. The effect is not pretty. To avoid this, check that little card again to determine how large the plant will become in height and width. This alone may compel you to leave the plant in the store.

On the other hand, if you decide to buy it, place larger plants in the back and smaller ones in the front, based on their current size and potential growth. This ensures your landscape will never look like it devours your home or business.

Selecting the Wrong Plants

Despite how much you may fall in love with a plant in the store, some plants aren’t suited to your particular landscape. Perhaps your land receives intense Houston sun, has a rocky terrain, or poor drainage. Plant that ill-suited bush that you so dearly love and you’ll have only the disappointment of watching it die.

Check your landscape for potential problems first, and then plant accordingly. Put only sun-loving plants in that intense sun, drought-resistant plants in the rocky terrain, and plants that thrive near water (think water lilies) in that poor-drainage area. The result will be happy plants and a gorgeous landscape.

Cutting the Grass Too Low

An expanse of green lawn is beautiful. Yet mowing can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, so some people cut their grass very low, hoping they won’t have to mow it so often. Don’t do that. It only leads to bare spots and potential lawn disease. Cut the grass a little higher during the scorching summer months to protect your lawn. You can cut it lower during the cooler months.

Following these five tips can make a big difference in your landscaping success. For more information on making your landscaping thrive, even during the hottest months, consult one of the experts at ABC Home & Commercial Services in Houston today.

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