Austin Pest Control video transcript
Opening Logo Page
Text: “ABC Home & Commercial Services”
“Specialists for your environment”
The text at the bottom of the screen change throughout
Text: “Pest Control”
An ABC pest control specialist uses a flashlight to search for pests.
Text: “Determine type and location of pests”
An ABC pest control specialist is searching under a cabinet with a flashlight to find pests
Text: “Treat around home’s perimeter”
An ABC pest control specialist treats the exterior of the a house with pest control spray
An ABC pest control specialist fills in gaps between bricks in the exterior of the house where pest could enter the home
Text: “Apply product to nesting areas”
An ABC pest control specialist applies pest control product to a lawn
Text: “Treats cracks and crevices”
An ABC pest control specialist applies treatment in between the bricks on the exterior of the home and at the front door
Text: “Minimal interior treatment as needed”
An ABC specialist treats for pest in a cabinet beneath the kitchen sink
Closing logo page
Text: “ABC Home & Commercial Services”
“Specialists for your environment”
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