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Silverfish out of Water

silverfish can demolish your food storesWhile goldfish are relaxing to watch, nobody feels compelled to chill out at the sight of silverfish. Silverfish insects, like actual fish, are covered in tiny scales. Their flat, silver-grey or brown teardrop-shaped bodies don’t seem too intimidating, but their long antennae and projectile rear bristles can send the squeamish running for cover. If you do run from a silverfish, run fast—they’re known for their speed, and they can jump up to two feet vertically. Fortunately, they won’t chase you, and they don’t present any medical threat unless you fall and hurt yourself while trying to get away from them. However, they can wreak havoc on your home.

What’s on the Silverfish Menu?

As expert chewers, silverfish can demolish your food stores and paper-based materials. They love carbohydrates like sugar, cereal and flour, but they’ll also eat dried meats, toothpaste, shampoo, wallpaper, books, boxes and glue. It’s hard for a home to run out of silverfish cuisine. You could consider them fierce rivals of the cockroach family when it comes to eating habits, home damage and popularity among humans.

An Interesting Bug

Besides their long-whiskered look and impressive speed, silverfish have other intriguing traits. Their mandibles aren’t strong enough to inflict significant wounds to humans. However, if they do attempt to bite, they may manage to get a small piece of dead outer skin. Human dandruff is considered a great snack, but most dermatologists probably wouldn’t recommend putting silverfish on your head as a treatment. These insects have been around for 400 million years; they were chewing the planet before dinosaurs existed. Perhaps a varied diet is the key to insect longevity; the silverfish typically lives from three to six years.

Risk Factors: Who Gets Silverfish?

Unfortunately, almost any home has favorable conditions for these bugs. They thrive in damp, dark places. You may find them in basements, garages, attics and storage sheds. Because they require a high humidity level to survive, they often search for water in bathrooms and kitchens. Stringent housekeeping and lower indoor humidity levels can sometimes help discourage the pests, but like roaches, silverfish don’t discriminate. They’ll invite themselves to anyone’s home. Because they reproduce quickly and secretly, you may not realize there’s a problem until it’s well-established. You can identify the insect easily by its unique appearance. They’re nocturnal, so you’re most likely to see live ones darting around after dark. Chewed paper and food packages are another indication of their presence, and you may also see their pepper-like feces, especially in unattended areas.

Do You Have Silverfish?

There’s no need to live in fear of silverfish or tolerate their rude home takeovers. Our pest control specialists at ABC Home & Commercial Services in Dallas can put an end to silverfish and other creepy crawlies you don’t want visiting your Dallas home. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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